Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My son, Mark, was at the house one day last week and asked, "Mom, don't you think it's time to take down the Christmas stockings?"   "Just give me time, Son."   Actually, I enjoy the decorations as much in January as I do in December, maybe more so because the "hustle bustle" is over and I can sit with my Cafe Verona coffee and enjoy the moment. At any rate, the house is back to normal other than the boxed treasures needing to go into the attic. (ATTN: Danny and Mark.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This morning at 4:30 , I discovered that sleep would not be refound and that is even early for me. (Jeff, if you read this, you're probably thinking "That's my norm, MaMa!" Thank you for meeting early with your COMMANDER in CHIEF concerning your family (my precious ones) and the flock that God has placed under your leadership.)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Jelly Jar On My Kitchen Counter

In my 1st blog, I mentioned the need for me and probably you to consider that refocusing our eyes on the goal is a worthy resolution for 2010. In this busy, easily distracted world we live in today, it is very easy for God's children to lose sight of what is important and what is not. My pastor reminds us often that, as we make choices and live our lives, the priority for the believer is having an eternal perspective, viewing life , as much as we can, through God's eyes...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deep Sea Trials

This morning, while meditating on Mark 4:35-41, I felt I should share what God was saying to me concerning trials and my response to them. No one gets through this life without them. Just for the last few days, I have been praying for some friends who now live in West Virginia, who are facing the biggest, most foreboding one that they have faced, up to this time...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have sang and believed this familiar song (some think it is for children and I say "yes, it is for all God's children) since I was a little girl but I don't know if I have ever sensed this astounding truth anymore than I did this past Sunday morning during our Pastor's message.