Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Jelly Jar On My Kitchen Counter

In my 1st blog, I mentioned the need for me and probably you to consider that refocusing our eyes on the goal is a worthy resolution for 2010. In this busy, easily distracted world we live in today, it is very easy for God's children to lose sight of what is important and what is not. My pastor reminds us often that, as we make choices and live our lives, the priority for the believer is having an eternal perspective, viewing life , as much as we can, through God's eyes...
what He deems to be priority is what we should esteem the most.    On my kitchen counter is a jelly jar, inside is some homemade grape jelly from some ladies from Blue Ridge. They gave us two jars in the summer, one inside my refrigerator that makes great pb&j sandwiches, the other one on my counter to the left of my sink (where I spend alot of time), and it reminds me each morning to remember that some things are important and some are not. Strange, huh?  Well, let me relate the story as I read it from a very good book that my sister, Darlene, gave me some time back.From The Passion Promise, author John Avant shares this story:

"The winds of Desert Storm were blowing, and Colonel William Post had a job to do. He was in charge of receiving all of the incoming supplies for the ground forces. Among these supplies were the tons of food that came in every day.  One day Colonel Post received a message from the Pentagon requesting that he account for forty cases of missing grape jelly. The Colonel sent a soldier to investigate the mysterious missing jelly; the soldier reported back that it couldn't be found. Colonel Post made his report and assumed that would be the end of it. After all, it was just grape jelly.  He assumed wrong. The Pentagon continued to press him, pointing out that they needed to close the books for the month, and jelly just couldn't vanish like that. Finally, they ordered him to find the jelly!  The Colonel had had enough by then and sent back this response: "Sirs, you must decide. I can dispatch the entire army to find your missing jelly or kick Saddam out of Kuwait, but not both."  He got no reply."

You know how you can read a book and one principle or one illustration will just jump out at you. Well, the jelly jar example just "jelled" with me and now it reminds me daily that a soldier needs to be focused on the fight and yes, Christians, this walk with the Lord is akin to a fight, not a party. Scripture is clear about that. Paul reminded young Timothy in 2 Tim. 2:3-4,"Thou, therefore, endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please Him Who hath chosen him to be a soldier." I try, every day, to pray for our men and women in uniform, both here at home, where it is increasingly becoming more dangerous, in this day of political correctness, and abroad, where it is extremely dangerous. Danny has a young cousin, Paul Samples, who is in Afghanistan right now as I write. I can guarantee you, that in Iraq and Afghanistan, that they are focused on their mission, not only for their own survival but for the good of the whole platoon. You say, "Yeah, Deborah, but we don't have an enemy out to destroy us in our Christian walk." Surely, you don't believe that or you will already be losing the fight just by denying that you have an "adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walking about seeking whom he may devour." 1Peter 5:8  The command that follows for us is  to "be sober, be vigilant, resisting him in the faith."  Now, I definitely know that he isn't to be our focus (some think they see the devil behind every tree), rather, my focus is to be on the One Who has defeated satan but we are to be aware of his tactics in our lives, working differently in each of us. Some things he just doesn't throw my way because he knows I'm not interested but that may be his "wile" for you. the thing that will make you ineffective in your walk and work. I doubt that I need to remind us to be on guard, to remain focused on our assignment, not only for my sake but for the fellow soldiers.

So, as I thought on some things this week, I wanted to share 3 "one things" in Scripture that have helped me and continue to challenge me and pray they will bless you to..  And, understand, I know, even as my preacher son, Jeff, reminded me in a recent tv sermon that God doesn't expect us to go around with our noses in the Bible 24/7. We cannot because there are bills to be paid, diapers to be changed, lawns to be mowed, college tests to be studied for. pb&j's to be made...   but we, as God's children, can do these things under the heading of "Bringing Glory to Christ."    "Even changing diapers, Deborah?"  A million time YES!!!   I don't know that America has a greater need than for God-honoring, Christ-exalting mothers to love and train the future generation for Christ!!  1 Cor.10:31 says "Whether therefore, ye eat or  drink, or WHATSOEVER ye do, do all to the glory of God." I guess that "whatsoever" means whatsoever.

The first "one thing" comes from David in Ps. 27:4- "ONE THING  have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in His temple."  This verse has long been a favorite of mine and a preacher could preach many sermons from it, but today, I focus on the last part of the verse and am reminded not to lose my wonder. I love being around little children and young believers in the Lord. Little children are still impressed by God's creation. Landon asked Amy "Can we get Alicia's new telescope out and see if we can find God up in the sky where the moon is?" "No, Son, God is higher than the heavens that we can see with Sissy's telescope."  Landon's reply-"WOW!"  How long has it been since you cried "WOW" at how big, how strong, how majestic your God is? David said that he wanted to behold His beauty. Me too because there is so much more to see of Him, my lovely Savior and to know of Him. David wanted to inquire in His temple. Kids , around the age of 2, adopt a favorite word and you parents know what it is. WHY?  They don't know and they want to know and aren't afraid to ask. I was saved in 1961 as a 9-yr. old girl, and I find at age 57, there's so much more to learn from Him. The Bible is alive and we can never learn it all and it speaks something else to us every time we come to it with a humble, asking attitude. The treasures are worth digging for.  In your quest for 2010, dear one, keep wondering!      Also, keep worshiping, which really you can't help to do if you are still wondering. So long as we are beholding His beauty, the worship will overflow as we consider Him, His great sacrifice on the cross, and all the benefits He bestows every day.

In Luke 10:42, Jesus says this-"But ONE THING is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."  That passage tells us as Martha was anxious and troubled about MANY THINGS, Mary found a front row seat because Jesus was in the house for a little while and she just could not miss what He had to say!  I like to think of Mary as a worshiper. She , I believe, was a like a little bird with her  mouth wide open, ready to receive whatever food Jesus was going to give her. Now, do you ask, am I talking about being down at God's house? Well, the Scripture is pretty clear on that in Heb. 10:25. Nothing takes the place of corporate worship, as we gather together with like-minded believers and are encouraged and exhorted and encourage and exhort. But, if that is the only time you worship, you are missing out. I think that my best times of worship happen when it's just me and Him! It can be driving down the road, washing dishes, sitting by the fire while listening to edifying music. I begin to think of how good He's been to me and tears begin to flow and I find myself caught up in worshiping the King and Lord of my life.  Oh, is is sad today , believer, as we see America worshiping those little "gods". I read an email just recently of how the Tenn. Volunteer's qb, Jonathan Crompton, gave his life to Christ. The article mentioned that last year, when he was struggling on the field, that he received death threats. What a shame that winning in sports is so important that this young man would have had to face that. But sports, , friends, is a "god" in this country and don't misunderstand me, I like sports and in balance, don't see anything wrong with enjoying a good sporting event but it is out of hand in this country and I make no apologies for saying that. America has lots of "gods", two being sports and sex but that may be a later blog.   Believer, that's the world and the lost world does what they do and that is to worship "gods" who don't see nor speak. Ps.115:4-8  Let's make it  our aim to worship One Who does speak, does hear, does feel, does heal, does sympathize, and does love us with an everlasting love.

I alluded to the last "one thing" in a previous blog so I'll be brief with Phil. 3:13 where Paul said "this ONE THING  I do" and says he is not looking back but pressing on. I like to think this is our walk and Lord, willing, in future days we can flesh out this a little more, about what it means to walk with Christ. Our life in Christ is often referred to a walk, putting one foot in front of the other, beginning each day with the determination to walk forward, to walk with God, as Enoch did. I see the idea of continuing here. You know, when a baby learns to walk,(unless something unexpectedly happens), he will walk the rest of his days. He will never quit walking. Every day, may it be out aim, our "ONE THING", to WONDER  at the greatness of our God, to WORSHIP  Him for Who He is, and to WALK step by step with Him. One day, and maybe sooner than we think, we will take the step right into His glorious presence!!  WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BE!
Looking up, Deborah

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