When, last we spoke, I compared this life, this earthly pilgrimage, to the first part of a story, a story that, at times, is hard to understand. We believe Romans 8:28 yet wonder how God is using the testings, the trials, and yes, even the triumphs to weave the tapestry of our lives. The illustration of a tapestry was presented to me at an early age and still today, I am blessed by this thought. If you look at a tapestry from the backside, all you see are multicolored threads tied here and there, some short, some longer, all knotted together and you wouldn't hang it on your wall for viewing, but if you flip it over , you will see a picture and from Heaven's perspective, that is our life, a beautiful masterpiece, His workmanship.
That's what God is doing with you and me, dear believer, in this part one and what I tried to convey and encourage us to do is to trust Him. A beautiful song says "God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind; so when you don't understand, when you can't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand, TRUST HIS HEART." I am reading through the Book of Mark and saw a verse a few days ago and meditated it on much of the day where the people of Decapolis "were beyond measure astonished saying, He (Jesus) hath done all things well..." Amen and amen!!
Now, Part Two, in one sense can be seen here as He molds and chisels, and refines us for His glory. We are being transformed and conformed into His image in this present time. Sanctification is the process going on in the child of God's life. Someone said that at justification, we are saved from the penalty of sin, during sanctification, which continues until we see Him face to face, we are being saved from the power of sin. Sin, Christian brother and sister, has no right to claim mastery over us any longer. As a beloved Pastor of mine many years ago used to say, "It is not that we are sinless but we sin less." Living holy lives is still, yes, even in 2010, firmly declared in Scripture. Read Romans 6:11-13 where the Apostle Paul instructs us that we are not to let sin reign in our mortal bodies by obeying its lusts.
Justification, sanctification and then, glorification, where I really want to focus today. Not only are we saved from sin's penalty and power, but get ready for a shout, one day, we will be saved from the very presence of sin! Think about that, believer, doesn't that make you want to shout out some "Praise the Lord's?" Now, I believe, from God's perspective, this also is already a done deal. Romans 8:30 tells us this, "those He justified, He also glorified." When He looks at people washed in the blood of His precious Son, He sees us as we will be. I am glad today, that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Rom. 8:1 But there is a future day coming, one that Romans 8:23 says that all creation groans for "the redemption of our body". I view that, in this analogy that I have tried to draw as the ultimate Part Two and I was reading about it this morning and my soul was blessed, refreshed, and anticipating the joyful day that awaits us and I believe, as many others in the Body of Christ do, that it will be soon. I sign out every blog with the words, "Looking up" and they aren't simply words because I can't come up with a better benediction, but I am looking up for "our blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13
In Revelation 21, here are some things that are in everyone's Part One that will be gloriously absent forever in Part Two. Everybody cries, in fact,, that is the first thing a baby does as they exit the safe environment of their Mother's womb. Then, throughout their whole lives, from boo-boos to the more heart-wrenching things they will encounter, they cry. We all shed tears but verse 4 tells us that one day, God will wipe away all tears from our eyes. I know I am a simple girl with a simple message using simple words but the picture of God drying all my tears with His omnipotent hand, comforts my heart today and am sure, yours too.
No more tears, no more sorrow, no more crying, and verse 4 says there will be no more death. Probably everyone who reads this knows the sorrow of walking away from a cemetery (which, by the way, is just a resting place for the night for those who have died in Christ). I know the grief of that walk because I have followed both of my loving parents there and others who I have loved and now miss. I like to say that we planted their bodies there because when you plant something, you expect a harvest and because that Jesus rose, those who died in Him will also rise one day. Imagine, with me, if you can, a place where never again will you visit a funeral home, a hospital- because there is no more pain. No one is sick and hurting. Rev.22:3 tells us there is no more curse, henceforth, no more consequences of the curse.
Think and rejoice with me for a few more minutes on things that won't be there. No baby will be aborted nor abused, no little boy nor girl ever abducted again, there will be no prisons, no orphanages, no drug rehabs, no migraines, no cancers, no heart disease- here's a blessed one in this corrupt world- no more power-hungry, lying politicians who will tell us anything to get elected with no intentions of looking out for the people but their own political gain is their objective. Well, we could go on and on and you can feel in the blank of what you are glad won't be there but we could boil it down to this- no more sin and no more satan. HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH!!
Now, let me close with this. We have see the negative things that will be absent. What will be present? JESUS!!!!! "God Himself will be with them, and be their God." 21:3 "And I saw no temple therein; for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and the LAMB are the temple of it." Maybe you say, "Deborah, how about those verses where John is trying to describe that celestial city?" And the description, I say, is breath-taking- streets of gold, walls of jasper, gates of pearls but we used to sing a song "JESUS will be what makes it Heaven for me" Yes, the greatest joy and thrill is that He is there. "Face to face I shall behold Him" from the pen of Fanny Crosby, who was blind all her life and was excited that His face would be the first she would see. , the beautiful face of her Lord and Savior!
Part Two has no end, dear one. The sequel goes on forever We live in increments of time so it is difficult for us to fathom forever but forever is forever. Forever, we will dwell with the Lover of our souls, so much so that He died that we can even be in that beautiful place and forever, peace, security, and love will replace those negative aspects of life we all face today. Forever, Christ reigns in absolute authority and righteousness. There will be no more injustices there- those that grieve our hearts today. The wealthy have a better chance in our justice system Not so in Christ Jesus'. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. Wealth nor poverty are not the issue for Him, but the humble , repentant , trusting heart. Yes, a land of righteousness, peace, joy, love, security, and the Apostle John closes that inspired and insightful Book of the Revelation with these words and saints throughout the ages have echoed them-"Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Maranatha Matthew Henry said it this way "Finish Thy great design, and fulfill all that Word in which Thou hast caused Thy people to hope."
"Well, praise You, Lord, for the blessing of your promise this morning". I wouldn't miss Heaven for the world! Would you?
Looking up, Deborah
I just looked at the last word in the O.T. and it is "curse". Then Jesus was born as the N.T. begins and the last thought in the last verse in the N.T. is "grace." I love this blessed Book!!!
So good Deb...Richard Harris quite often ends his notes and/or words of encouragement with "Keep looking up and pressing on". That's what we have to do. Thank you for sharing, once again, what God revealed to you. I love you and thank God for allowing you to be my "twice sister"!!
One day I hope to tell you what this post meant to me... there is no way I could write it! If for no one else, this was written for me on this Feb 27, 2010. Thank you