Thursday, August 26, 2010

Closet Cleaning

A couple of nights ago while watching Gunsmoke, Dan and I heard a loud sound and as he hurried off to the downstairs and backyard, I went to check out the front of the house. I was hoping that it was the Momma and Baby deer that he and Mark have recently observed and I have not been privileged to see them yet. After finding nothing askew, we returned to our respective recliners to see if Matt got the villain again like he did the last time we saw this same episode (and he did!). It was only a couple of hours later when I went to retire for the night that I, very disappointed, saw the reason for the "sound like something fell" noise. My closet rack system had a support that had broken and much to my dismay, the floor was filled with clothes, some just returned clean and pressed from the cleaners, and shoes and purses all piled together resembling a mini mountain.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"My Help Comes From the LORD"

While driving in my car this afternoon, I heard a song on a cd that blessed and encouraged my heart because it was straight from the pages of the Bible. Psalm 121- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills; from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the LORD , Who made heaven and earth."  My Bible titles it "The Traveler's Psalm." It is, actually, the 2nd of 15 called a Song of Degrees or we would say of Ascents. As the pilgrims journeyed up (always up, from any direction,  because the city sat 2600 feet above sea level), to Jerusalem, they would sing these Psalms. Here, in 121, maybe they view in the distance their beloved city and as they near the hills, they ask "from hence comes our help, these hills?"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"At Their Wits' End"

Have you ever been there? It is a Biblical phrase, you know. I took my Strong's Concordance down today and looked it up. I knew it was in Psalms but couldn't come up with the chapter and verse but right there in chapter 107:27, were these words: "They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and at their wits' end."  I smiled when I read the verse, actually I chuckled a bit on the inside. "Why?", you might ask, " doesn't seem like a humorous verse to me." It will if you imagine the picture I am about to paint from an episode that happened to me on Sunday morning.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"All Of His Promises Are True!"

We had "promised" our two precious grandchildren that we would have them for a sleepover on Friday night since school begins next week. (Shortest summer on record, I believe.) But between a combination of low energy level with me and Landon arising on Thursday with a 101 degree fever, we had to cancel and will try again very soon for them to come up to visit with Grandanny and me. I don't know who was more disappointed, Alicia and Landon or Jeff and Amy who were looking forward to a nice and quiet dinner and evening.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"The Power of the Cross"

Last time, I wrote of an unspeakable scene, too majestic for words, the soon coming event that Scripture calls The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We, the Bride, await and anticipate with delight the day and imagine in our minds and hearts just how wonderful it will be!  Today, I want to look back instead of forward to the event that was necessary for us to ever enjoy the future one. I have contemplated this one much lately also. While reading through, again, a work called Pilgrim's Progress, the main character being a man called Christian, on his way from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, I was captured by a scene as he begins his pilgrimage.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Wedding of all Weddings

As Danny turned on the morning news to check-out the weather forecast,(important to roofers), the buzz seemed to be about the glitzy wedding that occurred in New York on Saturday. Now, whether celebrity nuptials peak your interest or not, it did stir up my thoughts as I made coffee of a wedding or should I say THE wedding that will take place in, I believe, the near future.  And, as details of Chelsea's were undisclosed and now, some being revealed, so is this one I will refer to today. I don't know yet when or how but Scripture gives us enough information to whet our appetite, to say the least. I surmise that few of us have been to or seen a million plus dollars wedding event but any festive occasion of this sort regardless of their celebrity status or the deep pockets of their parents  pales in comparison to the one I reference today.