While driving in my car this afternoon, I heard a song on a cd that blessed and encouraged my heart because it was straight from the pages of the Bible. Psalm 121- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills; from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the LORD , Who made heaven and earth." My Bible titles it "The Traveler's Psalm." It is, actually, the 2nd of 15 called a Song of Degrees or we would say of Ascents. As the pilgrims journeyed up (always up, from any direction, because the city sat 2600 feet above sea level), to Jerusalem, they would sing these Psalms. Here, in 121, maybe they view in the distance their beloved city and as they near the hills, they ask "from hence comes our help, these hills?"
Christian brother and sister, where or what or who are you looking to for help? I don't want to burst anyone's bubble today, especially if you are riding on a recent victory, but as I look around, I realize those things we have that were our help, our stability, our mainstay, are evaporating before our eyes. I read in our city newspaper this morning that a school administrator notes that he has never seen as many of our children needing the free lunch program as they do this year. Danny and Mark are in the construction arena and we have felt the crunch for some time now. America, I believe, may be facing some tough times and I do not know where you are looking but I can assure you that Washington DC is not the answer. Can I be bold here and suggest that they are, rather, a big part of the problem? (Thank you for letting me say that!) We are under a government who has no clue what the average American needs nor how we, the "non-elite" crowd thinks. If we didn't hear things with our own ears, we would be waiting for the "punch-line" when our leaders suggest investigating the crowd who opposes the mosque at ground zero and yet seems to have no interest in the crowd who wants it there and how they will fund it. Of course, it is hard to question our Madam Speaker because after all, her "favorite word is the Word." No, no, always separation of church and state until they put their finger in the wind and wonder how this will fit in with their political agenda. If our favorite word is the Word, then we should be managing our lives, our attitudes, and our truths in accordance with the Word. Who do they think they are kidding? Christians, I did not mean to get political and probably sooner than we think,we won't be able to in our blogs and pulpits but I spoke with a Godly man this week who reminded me that we can and we must! We, in these tough times, Believer, must encourage each other to believe as never before that our help comes from the LORD! YAHWEH is His Name and He made heaven and earth by His power. Ps. 33:8-9 "Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." He can and will, in His own time and plan, speak concerning our situations, whether physical, financial, relational, emotional, or whatever and we will give Him all the glory!
We, as these Jerusalem pilgrims, need a Helper as we make this often times arduous journey- we have One- vs. 2. We have a Keeper-vs.3 and praise God, He doesn't sleep nor slumber. These sojourners required rest and sleep because the way was long and their bodies were weary but our Helper and Keeper is wide awake, fully aware of what is going on in your life right now. You parents know the feeling in the middle of the night when the little one comes in your room not feeling well and you have been so sound asleep that it takes you a few minutes to get your bearings, don't you? Well, not our Heavenly Father. He isn't like those gods that Elijah challenged at Carmel and reminded the crowd that maybe they (their gods) were sleeping. "Cry a little louder, Baal followers, maybe he is asleep and needs to be wakened", Elijah told them. Not so with our God! Some times at night, in the middle of the night, whether from pain or a bad dream, I will look up and whisper His Name, that blessed Name of Jesus Christ and He isn't startled nor surprised . He has been watching while I sleep. He's our Helper, our Keeper, our Protector. He is our Preserver. Strong's tells me the word is shamar and means that we are hedged in and attended to. I, as a Mom and MaMa, love that word picture. I remember watching my kids play in a fenced-in backyard and yet still had an attentive eye on them. We are safe in His arms, dear one. He is all these and so much more and verse 8 tells us "even for evermore." Let's resist the lie of the devil that God has forgotten us or isn't interested in the details of our lives. We are His children, dear ones.
I pray you are encouraged by this Psalm. Someone named these ascent Psalms the "hymns of the highway." They have been that for me today. As we march upward toward Zion, let's raise our voices in praise to Him, our Helper, our Keeper, our Protector, our Preserver, our Heavenly Father Who longs for us to be totally dependent on Him. That's probably one of the reasons that He is kicking all the other props out from under us. Let me leave you with another precious verse which will help you and me as we see the day approaching. Ps. 57:1 "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast." I was discouraged last week and many of you prayed, reminded me of God's truths, and did what we as brothers and sisters are supposed to do for each other. (I was studying all the "one another's" in the N.T. today. I sense some blogs will come from my time in the Word concerning this subject). I pray that maybe, in some small way, this simple blog from an amazing Scripture from our Awesome God has ministered to you. That is always my prayer. "Which in His times He shall shew, Who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; Whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to Whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen" 1 Tim. 6:15-16
Looking up, Deborah
Amen and Amen...GREAT way to start my day...So thankful that HE is...all those things you mentioned and oh so much more. May He be your Preserver, your Healer, and Your closest friend today!!! Love you bunches, Deb! Dedene
ReplyDeleteDeborah, thank you so much for your blog. I am so sorry that you had a bad week, but pray that the rest of this week and those to come will be much better. You are so right about the fact that so many are dependent on something/someone other than THE ONE that is in control. When I listen to or read some news about things going on in our country/world, the only comfort I have is knowing that the only one and true God, YAHWEH, is in control of EVERYTHING. HE has a purpose for everything that is going on and it is to bring glory to HIMSELF. Thank you again for your blog, it is always something that I can read and get blessings from. Will continue to pray for you. Love you!!
ReplyDeleteIf you have been studying the "one anothers", that is a long and varied list!
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better now