Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflections on Finishing Well!

In my last blog, I left off with the thought of finishing well and today I was reading one of my favorite prayers in the Bible offered up by one of my favorite O.T. characters. I thought that from one of the final prayers of King David, I could offer some insight from a man who finished well.  I love to read the prayers in Scripture by the men and women of God. I think of Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel concerning her heartfelt desire for a child and Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1 as he desperately wanted the people to know the God that they served.

The prayers in the Scriptures are, often so different than the ones we hear and pray ourselves today. David's prayer in 1 Chronicles 29 is one of my favorite and as Israel's beloved king is about to pass off this stage of life, I believe he leaves us some valuable insights to finishing our race well.  David started well, as a tender, humble shepherd boy and an obedient son of Jesse who was chosen by God over his more impressive brothers to be king of Israel. And, yes, he had lapses, (and we all do), and the Bible doesn't hide them but God sought a "man after His own heart" and during his lifetime, David learned some things that, I believe, we see in this closing prayer of his.

King David realized Who God is! Verses 10-13 "Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be Thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever. Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and Thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of Thee, and Thou reignest over all: and in Thine hand is power and might; and in Thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name."  During his years of failures and triumphs, David had learned that he served a great God, a powerful God, a glorious God, a victorious and majestic God. I am concerned that we, the church of today, have forgotten Who He is! He is not the "man upstairs" nor "our buddy in the sky." No, no, He is our Awesome God Who owns it all and sets one up and brings another down and gives us strength for the journey. He is Almighty God- El Shaddai- and is Ruler over all! Do we see Him that way today or has our view and reverence of Him diminished? As we grow older, Christian, we should be growing in knowing Him, as the Apostle Paul prayed in Philippians 3:10.

David realized God's power and His providence. In chapter 28, he told the people that he had wanted to build the temple- vs2- but God said "no." We, like spoiled children, seem to think a loving Father never says that forbidden word but He does and did to David . As we grow in the Lord Jesus Christ, we should quit clenching our fists, which, in my case, stresses my spiritual heart, and we should cease from our striving over God's providential plan in our lives. I have been following my contemporary heroine, Joni, paralyzed now since she was 17 and now around my age, forty years later, is receiving treatment for breast cancer. I can't remember the quote exactly but she wrote on her website recently that she and her husband, Ken, are accepting what God has ordained for them. Oh me, how that sweet lady's testimony convicts me.
    Joni and David have a good plan to follow when God answers in the negative. (Or, at least, from our perspective, is negative). In chapter 28:2, he says "I wanted to build the temple" and had the right motivation to do so but in verses 4-6, he rehearses for all to hear what God has allowed him to do. So often, dear brother and sister, are we not more prone to dwell on what we don't have and what dreams were not reached instead of the many, many, blessings that have abundantly been bestowed upon us?

King David, at the end of his life, realized God's power and relinquished to God's providence and then he recognized who he was. Vs. 14-16. Oh, my friend, this combination sets up worship- seeing Him and recognizing with David of "who am I?"  Israel rejoiced and worshiped on this particular day when they were reminded of this.  This is who we are- pilgrims passing through and what possessions we have came from Him in the first place so why do we boast? I love what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:10-"But by the grace of God, I am what I am:.."

The world's mentality and slogan today is "it's all about me!". No, no, a hundred times, it isn't! IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM!  Col. 1:15-20. Don't you want to bow your head and "bless the LORD your God (vs20) when you recognize that He chose a peon and a pauper (Sorry to those of you who buy into the self-esteem gospel that makes people strut),  to partake in this glorious and gracious plan?  So, at David's end, he realized Who God is, recognized who he was, and reminded the people whom he loved and served (Solomon, his son and Israel) to be passionate and purposeful in their pursuit of the glory of God. "Who then will offer willingly, consecrating himself today to the LORD?"  Here we go again being reminded of our children and those in our paths. Do they see a willing, joyful consecration of our lives-sold out to the cause of Christ?  He, also, requested of the LORD that "He keep forever such purposes and thoughts in their hearts." He knew the frailty of people and knew we all need to be reminded of our priorities. You, who do that consistently from a pulpit or a lectern or a blog or in conversation, keep on keeping on. Oh, that we still be prayer warriors as our bodies fail and our years draw to an end.

Finishing well- think about it- will you?

Looking up, Deborah

I heard a song from Robin Mark on YouTube recently entitled When It's All Been Said and Done. Listen and be blessed!

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