Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"My Soul Magnifies the Lord!"

To people who know me well, if they were challenged to list 50 things about me, (well, maybe that would be too difficult- how about 25?...15?....10?... I sound like Abraham, don't I?), that I am a music lover would be one. And of course, it goes without saying that Christmas music, good Christmas music makes me happy. I retrieve my green rubbermaid container from the top of the closet about two weeks before Thanksgiving and have a day of mourning around Jan. 15th when that wonderful music goes back to their designated shelf.

It seems that every year I have a new favorite and I was listening to it on the way to church on this past Sunday. For those, like me, who love worshipful Christmas songs, may I recommend Shannon Wexelberg's "Love Came For Me" cd?  Our Amy will be singing that title song the Sunday before Christmas and the words are so thought-provoking. The selection that was ministering to my spirit on Sunday as I worshiped on the way to service was one entitled "My Soul Magnifies the Lord."  Of course, we are taken to Luke chapter 1 to the song, the Magnificat from Mary. Let's visit there today, okay?  I like to meditate on what it must have been like for this young teen-aged girl named Mary when the angel, Gabriel, appeared on a normal day and announced to her that her life is about to be totally transformed because she has been chosen by God to be the mother of the promised Messiah. In verse 29, we see Mary's anxiety at the proclamation. She was greatly troubled, the Scriptures declare, and of course, she was. She has been recently betrothed to a fine man named Joseph who trusts her purity and surely questions were flooding her mind and heart, one being- "How can this be, seeing that I know not a man?"  I love the angel's confirmation that nothing is impossible with God. Aren't you glad that this promise continues to bless, comfort, and encourage God's people some 2000 years later?

Not only, her anxiety at the proclamation, but I love this about Mary and long for it to be the motto of Deborah's life from this point forward- her acceptance of God's providential plan. Verse 38, after  Gabriel tells her what is about to transpire in her young life, Mary says "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord: be it unto me according to thy word." This wasn't going to be easy for this young virgin girl. Oh, I know, she was blessed among women to be chosen to bear this precious Baby but she faces misunderstanding, ostracism, and eventually the pain that Simeon prophesies in chapter 2 , that a sword will pierce though her soul. She loves this Baby, she tends to Him as He is a Toddler, and watches Him grow to be a Man, One Who at the tender age of 33, is nailed to a cross for us. This mother is there for that. But, to the angel, she says that she is the servant girl and she accepts and believes God's Word.

Finally, from verses 46-55, we see Mary's adoration of the Planner and the Potentate of this magnificent work of grace and salvation. Note that Mary was aware of her own need of a Savior. She realizes that He is holy and she is humbled that He sought her because of His mercy. She sings about His strength and His plan to bring down the proud and exalt the lowly. She rejoices, as we do, Saints, that He will set right all things one day. Pastor Scott preached from Jeremiah 23:5-6 on Sunday and emphasized that Christmas is about Christ coming to display the righteousness of God. I thought of the Name- Jehovah Tsidkenu- The LORD our Righteousness.  Yes, one of those many names of God that blesses my and your heart because we realize we have no righteousness, no merit of our own, "nothing in our hand we bring, simply to Thy cross we cling."  He is our righteousness, praise His Holy Name!

Heavenly Father, I pray for those who are anxious this morning and we all have been or are now. Initially, Lord, there are things that enter our lives that trouble us deeply but help us, like Mary, to be quiet and listen for Your instructions and to rest in Your perfect providence and plan and purpose for our lives which are always to work for our good and Your glory. I thank You, Holy Father, that we can sing about our Savior today and everyday. We praise You that because of Him, we are comforted and encouraged to go forth, even in the midst, oftentimes, of confusion and just not seeing how this is supposed to be working out. Oh, Gracious Father, we need You to continue teaching us how to walk by faith and not by sight.Help us, Lord, to adore You so much that our lives reflect attitudes that resound with the message that holiness is desired above happiness.  Oh, that we sing the praises of our Lord today knowing in our hearts that He is worthy, not only at Christmas time but every day and every moment. "When I am happy in Him, December is pleasant as May!"

Amen,  Deborah

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