Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A God For All Seasons!

Yesterday on FaceBook, I posted this simple message:  "38 years ago today, while most of Georgia was reeling from the effects of an ice storm, we were warm and safe in Northside Hospital welcoming our new and beautiful baby boy. Happy Birthday, Mark!"  A friend commented that it was a good story and at first I thought that I had merely related a happy time in mine and Danny's life. Then, it hit me that there was a "good story" to be expounded upon and this Scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 came to mind.

The Preacher, as he identifies himself in chapter 1, King Solomon, son of David, reminds us that there is a time to all things. He firstly says these words:  "A time to be born and a time to die" and in verse 4- " a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance."  I believe that we need a balanced and more importantly, a Biblical perspective on this truth about life in order to maintain stability and yes, it seems, even our sanity in this seemingly crazed world.  Someone once said- "Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans." All of us can affirm that reality, can't we? There is an ebb and flow, a waxing and waning, a transition from cold, hard, wintry blasts into warm, softer, spring breezes in all of our lives. I pray that I can make a clear point today about how just as there is a "time to all things", there is a Sovereign God in control of all seasons of life. I was reading in Ps. 147 recently and noted again that He rules over the natural order of the earth. Meditate with me on these words of the Psalmist. " Who (GOD) covereth the heaven with clouds, Who prepareth rain for the earth, Who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains."  "He giveth snow like wool: He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. He casteth forth His ice like morsels: Who can stand before His cold? He sendeth out His Word and melteth them: He causeth His wind to blow and the waters flow." In chapter 148:8- "Fire and hail; snow, and vapour: STORMY WIND  fulfilling His Word:"

Just as He providentially ordains the elements, so is He totally in control of the seasons of our lives. That, to me, is a most comforting thought. Some in that hospital on Jan. 11, 1973, were rejoicing like the Samples and Womack clans were. We had a new and healthy baby boy. (Danny quickly informed me that he would be his little Bulldawg and I knew not to argue- and so he is!). But as we counted fingers and toes and wondered who he favored in appearance, on another floor in ICU, another family,no doubt,was sitting in a tiny conference room hearing words from a doctor that were heart-rending. I and I am sure you too, have been in both places- "a time to dance and a time to mourn."

Outside those hospital walls, thousands of people were still without power- we, ourselves, were at Danny's parents from the 8th of the month when the storm hit because we had no electricity at our house in Forsyth County and too, the hospital was closer to PaPa and MeMa's house. (My husband has always been a jack of all trades but I did not want him to be my obstetrician when the labor pains arrived!)  Today, I write sitting beside my roaring fire, (thank you, GranDanny) because we have 7-8 inches of snow on the ground and we are pretty much home-bound.I am okay with that but do recognize that for some, it is a hardship, especially for those who must try to travel. I feel for doctors, nurses and emergency workers who must show up even if travel is treacherous. My sympathy always goes out to Ga. Power people who must repair downed power lines because we are cold in our homes. I praise God that we have a home. The satellite dish had so much ice on it Monday night that I could not watch the football championship game. Dan asked -"Do you want me to try and fix it?"  "Are you kidding?" I asked- "Risking you getting hurt so I can see the War Eagles beat the Ducks- not hardly." (Maybe if Gunsmoke was being interrupted-----   just kidding. :) :) :)  )

If I lost you while on that rabbit trail concerning American priorities, let me summarize by asking- "Are you in the winter season right now wondering if you will ever be warm again?"  You will!  "Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning." Spring flowers will bloom again.  Remember, as the Body of Christ is commanded to do, we weep with you, hurting Saints."Is life good and is the summer sun warming your heart today?" Rejoice, Christian, and as the Body of Christ is commanded to do, we rejoice with you, happy Saints.  But let us remember that those two seasons and the ones in between are subject to change and often with a frightening pace.  The good news is that God never does!!  "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." The outside world or at least the state of Georgia was very cold and icy on that Thursday morning in 1973 but inside there was a necessary powered generator keeping the activities going in that hospital. 

Praise His Name that He is our Power Source, our Shelter and Fortress that we can run to and hide and be safe and warm from the fierce blasts of life. And even in those wintry times, good things happen, like births. What better news could we hear than someone being born again because God used a dark storm to open their eyes to their deepest need-  a Savior Who loves them so much that He gave His life for them?
Thanking God for being my Constant Companion in all the seasons of life,  Deborah


  1. Another good word Deb. Thank you for sharing your heart and God's love even on days when you really don't feel like sharing!!! Dedene

  2. Enjoyed this so much!! Loved Deborah
    Jenny Fraser
