Saturday, July 2, 2011

What A Joy She's Found!

God blessed me with the privilege of writing the opening note when Deborah (MaMa) agreed to begin a blog.  I am equally blessed with the privilege of writing this last note in her blog.  Deborah went home to Heaven just after midnight on July 2, 2011.  Read her blog archives and learn about her and the Savior she adored.  We will miss her...but only until our own vapor vanishes.  Then we will see her again!   - Jeff


  1. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.

  2. Through her blog she has touched me. I would be so lifted in reading them and i will continue to do so! I had the privilege of meeting her a few months ago and Im sure she is singing and praising with the Angels. Prayers for Danny, and the family, Knowing she is in Heaven will be a comfort in the days and months to come!

  3. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.~Rev. 21:4

    Looking forward to the great reunion. My prayers go out to you and your loved ones at this time.

  4. I have had the Pleasure of reading this beautiful souls blog many times. Deborah always seemed to know what we needed to hear or learn. She blessed us with her presents in the form of words from the Lord and from Deborah and her huge heart. I know i have been blessed to have her on my Fcaebook page. and Yes Deborah is singing her praises to the Lord all the day long. love You and miss You. And from someone else with a pain condition she always gave me hope to live in the Word of the Lord. Thank You Deborah !!!!

  5. May i say it has been a month since my Deborah passed into the arms of our savior. She is missed by many and i am thankful to know she is no longer suffering on this side, to say i miss her is an under statement that can not describe the feeling i have but to know her blogs will be read time and time again is an easy to my sorrow. There will never be another Deborah thanks for reading and as she would say LOOKING UP
    Danny Samples

  6. Daddy, your comment is beautiful. I know you miss momma so much, but have peace in the tender way you cared for her. You were the only one she wanted when she felt bad because she knew that no one could take care of her like you.
    She's now waiting for us in glory-what a reunion we will have !!!
    Keep looking up Daddy , just like mom did , " for our redemption draweth nigh"

