On Saturday, I cleaned out the cold ashes from the fireplace, an April ritual that reinforces the idea that there will be no need for the fireplace until winter sets in again. (Although it was 39 degrees in Dawsonville this morning.) If you read my blogs or know me, I don't have to tell you that I just said "good-bye" to my favorite season of the year. And, yes, I have been reminded that there are few kindred spirits who feel that way. I think that in my 57 plus years, I can count on one hand those who agree with me. Oh, well, I think I have always been in the minority. :)
Actually, every season carries its own mystique and beauty to me and I will admit, there is nothing quite like the one upon us now, namely, Spring. I look out my window, now as I write, and am amazed again at the trees which were brown, skinny, and twig-like a few short days ago and now, bright green leaves and beautiful pink and white blooms take their place, like they have been reborn! Little flowers that we had forgotten existed because they were abiding under the frozen earth this cold winter, now peek out their joyful heads and excite us with their new life beauty. The ride to church yesterday morning was blessed by the wonder and beauty of this new season, the dogwoods shouting at me with the thought for this blog, mainly from Psalm 19, which begins "The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament His handywork."Matthew Henry says "From the things seen every day by all the world, the psalmist, in these verses, lead us to the consideration of the invisible things of God, Whose glory shines transcendent bright in the visible heavens, the structure and beauty of them, and the order and influence of the heavenly bodies." If we are moved by the beauty and order of this planet earth that we live on and beyond that, even the unexplored universe, how it consistently works every day,(if the sun were closer to earth, we would burn up- if farther away, we would freeze-hmmm, do you think there is design in that?) then how much more should we be in awe of it's CREATOR and SUSTAINER!!
I love the song that Meadow's choir sings that asks this question- "WHO told the sun where to stand in the morning? WHO told the ocean "you can only go this far?" The title of it is "I Know My REDEEMER Lives!" Yes, He does, and the writer of this particular song, no doubt, had read Job 38-41, where God finally speaks. Up to this point, Job has talked, his three "miserable comforters" have bloviated until he is sicker, but now, God speaks and everyone gets silent. "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?!" Read God's answer in these chapters. It blesses me every time I do and I know it will you too.
Our God is an awesome God and creation shouts that to us everyday and every night, according to vs. 2. Verses 3 and 4 tell us that the whole earth is benefited by this - there is no speech nor language barrier. You can simply look around today and know there is a God, Someone Who is awe-inspiring, to have the power to create and sustain this vast universe. (On a sidebar, by this evidence, shouldn't we have confidence that He has little me and you under control?)
Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 say "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." I have always marveled that there are those who can actually believe this all happened because of a "big bang". (Yes, I know, they went to more prestigious universities and came out with letters at the end of their names) but I had rather not be so educated that I couldn't see what is plain as the nose on our faces, hadn't you? I have always loved the story of the Christian scientist who was trying to convince his atheistic partner of a great God, when one night, he had an idea of making as exact a replica of the solar system as he could. Keeping it hidden from view until completion, he brought his skeptical friend in to see it and he was excitedly inquisitive of the fine detail and asked how he did this. I love the answer, "Really, it is simple; I was working in the lab one evening, mixed a batch of chemicals and materials together and when I heard a loud bang which so frightened me, I ran out of the room and on my return, low and behold, here was this model of our solar system!" "Impossible", the scoffer exclaimed. "EXACTLY!", the wise man replied.
Friend, you can't be mistaken on the creation story- not if you believe the Book. The Genesis account is clear that God created this world, by His power, for His purpose, and for His pleasure. Revelation 4:11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor, and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." I love a verse in Ps. 104, the subject being the creation and its CREATOR, and in verse 26, the psalmist says there is a creature in the sea- we are not even sure what all is in the sea but this one God "hast made him to play therein." We are awe-struck at our great GOD and we don't even know the half of it, do we? Scientists are constantly discovering new stars but GOD knows their names. Is. 40:26 and Ps. 147:4 They are all in their orbits and their places!
Ps. 19:1-6 speak to us of His marvelous creation- GOD enjoys it today- let us go and do likewise today! Enjoy the creation but worship the CREATOR! What a Mighty GOD we serve!!
Looking up, Deborah
John MacArthur says of this Psalm- "GOD has revealed Himself to mankind through two avenues. The human race stands accountable to Him because of His non-verbal (vs 1-6) and His verbal communication.(vs 7-11). Maybe next time, we will talk of the importance of the Word!
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