A couple of Sundays ago, I had a chance before church to chat for a few minutes with Jill Stephens, Meadow's sweet and very talented pianist. I inquired about her aging parents and she told me that although their health is "not that great", that they are troopers who just keep on "keepin'on" for their Lord. I replied that they are an encouragement to all of us because they are finishing well. Today, interestingly enough, I see that they are celebrating 53 years of marriage so congratulations to Randall and Mary Jean Stephens!
How do we, Christian brothers and sisters, finish well? It's my desire to do so and am sure it is yours too. The start of the race is important, so is the middle, but with the finish line in sight, the runner definitely doesn't want to falter now.
I look today in 2 Tim. 4 at one who knows that his departure is at hand.I read that the Greek word for departure can imply "to hoist anchor and set sail." Wouldn't we view death differently if that was our definition for it? Matthew Henry , concerning this, "Death to a good man is his release from the imprisonment of this world and departure to the enjoyments of another world; he does not cease to be, but is only removed from one world to another." Literally, Paul was about to be released from prison when his executioner would come for him. Writing those last words to his son in the faith, Paul instructs him in some ways that he can "fight the good fight, finish his course, and keep the faith."
In verse 1, I see that one motivation to stay on our course and run right is the truth of Scripture that Jesus is coming again. I talk about that alot, don't I? Well, it's because the Bible is crystal clear on that fact and 1 John 3:2-3 remind us that keeping that thought in our sight will impact the race we run. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure." John MacArthur comments "Living in the reality of Christ's return makes a difference in a Christian's behavior."
Paul reminded Timothy and us, Believer, that Jesus is coming and coming with rewards- verse 8 " to those who love His appearing." Do you love the thought that He may come today? I marvel that some shy away from this because "there is still so much I want to do, some life I still want to live." You're kidding, right? That attitude sounds like we think Heaven will restrict us from living and enjoying. Let me quickly balance with the negative here and observe many are like Demas (vs 10), who left Paul because he loved the world, the clear commandment not to do so in 1 John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in Him."
Let me quickly say here that I am not some kind of somber-faced killjoy who doesn't enjoy life, quite the opposite, I love living. I love the simple things of life. I had some energy last week to spring clean a couple of closets and loved looking back at the accomplishment. I love having lunch at Longhorn, did so today with my beloved son, Mark. I love watching my husband till the garden spot again this year and knowing those home-grown tomatoes will make some wonderful BLT's in a few weeks; I love my four children and having my two grandchildren over for sleepovers and laughing with them. I love that the tulips and lilies and azaleas are more beautiful that they were last year. I love reading a good book, working on two right now, one by Ravi Zacarias and one by Chip Ingram. I could go on and on of how God blesses me every day, here in this life, but compared to Heaven, well, there just is no comparison. I love and long for His appearing!
Anticipating His return doesn't mean that we go sit on a mountaintop and retire from doing anything else but rather, to finish well, we are to stay busy. Paul told Timothy to preach the Word , in season and out of season. Paul wasn't going to be doing this any longer. He had a date with the executioner and he knew it was soon so he was exhorting the young preacher to continue preaching the Book! To you pastors who read, keep on doing that even though the "itching ears" are multiplying to hear easy sermonettes. Preach the Word because it will lodge in some hearts and will produce life change!
To us who aren't pastors, we have a gifting and calling in some area so be busy fulfilling that. In Luke 19:12-27, Jesus teaches a parable of a nobleman who went into a far country "to receive for himself a kingdom, and TO RETURN." He commissioned his servants to "occupy till I come". Can I paraphrase and suggest that Jesus is saying "Let Me find you busy in My work when I return. Use those gifts and talents that I gave you to glorify Me." (Matt 5:16) ? The Owner (GOD) has rights to His property and the stewards (you and me), have responsibilities.
Oh, so much in this chapter in 2 Timothy, - ANTICIPATE His return, BUSY yourself about His work, and lastly, we will finish well if our CONCERN is for other people. Paul, at life's end, names (if I counted right just in this chapter, others in other books) 17 people, most who are about the Father's business, a couple who have deserted him and He leaves them in God's hands but commends and makes loving mention of those who God has placed in his path as he has run this race. Let's not forget, Christians, that people are important. Christ loved and died for people. We must love and serve people.
I mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Stephens at the beginning of this blog, two who are finishing well. Let me close with making mention of a couple who will be 80 years old this year. Danny's parents, PaPa and MeMa, we call them, just celebrated on March 11, 61 years of wedded bliss. Their health is failing but they are finishing well. They are looking for Christ's return, they are busy in their church, and they still love people. On Wednesdays, they go visit the nursing home residents. PaPa will preach and MeMa will bake a cake or take one of the ladies a blouse or dress that she found down at the thrift store. MeMa has always had a keen sense of humor and will remark with a smile on her face, "Yes, we go down there to cheer up the old people." (Remember, they were born in 1930.)
Thank you, PaPa and MeMa, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, and countless others who are finishing well. You inspire and encourage the rest of us that we can also. May it be so in our lives, starting today!
Looking up, Deborah
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