Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life in the Trenches!

I must admit the title probably doesn't entice many to read today, does it?  For about a month now, the Lyme  Disease battle (for about 11 yrs. now) has heated up and last week while talking with Amy, she reminded me not to be discouraged because the doctor assured me that halfway through this new treatment, the symptoms would worsen. When I remembered an expert's words that  this would be a good thing, that the Lyme "critters" would fight back aggressively when challenged, I was encouraged and could not help but to see the spiritual parallel while reading Paul's letters to young Timothy this morning.

Just eighteen verses into the first epistle, he exhorts his "son in the faith" to fight the good fight.We, American Christians, don't favor this analogy that we see often in Scripture. We prefer being sheep, children, heirs, brides, friends- all which are true- but soldiering is too hard and requires too much discipline, does it not? Yet, we cannot ignore that Scripture is filled with instruction about the fact of that we have an enemy. You see, Lyme has set up camp in this frame of mine and has gotten quite comfortable there and when I begin to come against its' stronghold, a warfare viciously ensues. Saints, when we are unaware anymore that the Christian life is a warfare, then surely we aren't taking captive those old attitudes and actions in our lives that aren't pleasing to our Captain. When Christians look at you funny at the suggestion of fighting opposed to fun, then they must not be any threat to the head of the kingdom of this world.

A soldier anticipates the fight. Peter tells us in chapter 4:12: "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange things happened unto you."  Can you imagine the U.S. soldier winding up on the battle fields of Afghanistan and saying to his comrade- "Oh, you mean there really is a war going on over here?  I didn't sign up for this."  Saints, they are in enemy territory, they aren't on vacation in Kabul. They knew they were invading enemy territory, that they are not welcome there and that the battle is fierce at times.  We know that if we know the Book so why do we expect life to be fun and comfortable and mostly about us for the most part?  Not only does a good soldier anticipate the fight, he also arms himself against the foe. "Wherefore (because we aren't wrestling against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places) take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."  We hear that our U. S. military goes equipped with the best available and rightfully so. Christian, our Commander-in-Chief, our God, has given us the armor- "weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."  How are we doing , Brother and Sister, when it comes to appropriating those pieces of armor listed in Eph. 6? How foolish I am to think I can escape the fiery darts on my own!
Finally, a soldier advances in faith. Thoughts of victory keep us going!  My doctor exhorted me not to quit when it seemed I was losing the fight. On every antibiotic bottle that your pharmacist has ever handed you is a warning to TAKE IT ALL!  Medical experts actually believe that stopping treatment midway is worse than never starting because the "bugs" multiply when treatment is discontinued before they are "killed off."  Do you feel that you are losing some battles? So do I.  Many days I feel like Paul when he lamented "O wretched man that I am."  But, soldiers advance in faith, believing our Savior's promise that He will complete the work that He has started in us. In fact, in His economy, the work is completely done already. John MacArthur reminds us that "believers are to assault the error with truth."  Yes, soldier, believe the Book.  You who are doing that today are going to encroach the enemy's territory and he will fight fiercely but shout Hallelujah with me today that he is a defeated foe. All praise goes to the One I read about in Rev. 19 this morning, the One Who rides on a white horse and His Name is Faithful and True and from His mouth comes a sharp sword. He will strike down His enemies because He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

I read the statistics this week that one-third of people on this Lyme Disease treatment get better, one-third stay the same,and one-third get worse. I hope for the former as I begin the last three months but this I do know- 100% assured-  we win in the spiritual war so anticipate the fight, arm yourself against the foe, and advance in faith, Christian soldier!  It's worth the fight- He's worth the fight!

1 comment:

  1. This one is a home run. Great analogy with the Lyme disease and an even greater reminder that the battles here aren't over. Thank you, MaMa.
