This morning, as I was reading in 2 Kings, chapter 6, I meditated on the account in Elisha's life when his prophecy had thwarted the king of Syria's plan to ambush Israel. The king is greatly agitated and asked- "Who is it in my kingdom who is betraying my trust?" I am sure that his subjects feared for their lives and one answered quickly-"It is Elisha, the prophet; he apparently knows the words you speak in the privacy of your bedroom."
The King of Syria wanted to silence the man of God (always the enemy's tactic) so he sent a vast army when hearing that Elisha was in the city of Dothan. Early the next morning, the prophet's servant went outside and saw the giant encampment of horses and chariots and cried to Elisha- "Alas, my master! What shall we do?" The man of God prays what I believe is a totally appropriate and necessary prayer today- for myself, our loved ones, our churches, our nation, and yes, for all people everywhere- "O LORD, open his eyes that he may see." I have learned during my pilgrimage that until He does, the blind remain blind. That's a good thing because it takes the pressure off us. We can do our part but God must enlighten minds and hearts. What was it that Elisha wanted his servant to see? I suggest that it is the same thing, Brother and Sister, that we need our eyes opened to today- the presence and the power of our Almighty God! The servant only saw the problem- a vast Syrian army about to overtake him and his master but when God opened his eyes, he saw the mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire- the presence and the power and the protection of our Sovereign God!
Matthew Henry writes- "The clearer sight we have of the sovereignty and power of Heaven the less we shall fear the calamities of this earth." Christian, isn't that good news as we see the tumultuous uprisings all over the globe today? Do you find yourself unsettled after watching the nightly news coverage? Here's some good news for you right from Elisha's mouth to his servant- "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." The New Testatment explains it in this way- "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" Rom.8:31. "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1John 4:4 The Syrian army came down in all their vengeance and God struck them blind. Yes, he opened one's eyes, He blinded an army and later gave them their sight back. He's God- He can do what He pleases and does! The events that we are seeing are sometimes scary, aren't they? We must admit that at times we relate perfectly to the servant. "Alas! What shall I do?" God is unfolding His plan for the ages, Saints. We tune into the news but He doesn't. He doesn't need to read any headlines today nor does He get breaking news over His TV. He wasn't surfing the web this morning to find out what country is rioting today. He knows- He cares- He sovereignly controls all of it and oh, that our eyes may be opened to the reality of His presence and His power and then rest therein.
I couldn't help but recall an eye-opening in the N.T. as I meditated this morning and excitedly turned to Acts 9. A man named Saul was persecuting Christians even to putting them to death and thinking that he was doing a good thing. While on his way to another town to round-up some more of these "in the Way", Saul met up with the One he was so bent on persecuting and in fast time, he goes from persecutor of Christians to preacher for Christ. He, later to be known as the Apostle Paul, was blinded from this encounter and as the servant of Elisha, he experienced the presence and power of God but he also came to the realization of his new purpose and passion. That is also a worthwhile prayer for all of us. The Lord sent Ananias to Paul with this instruction- "He is a chosen vessel to me- He's going to preach My Name to the Gentiles." Do you ever examine and reflect on this question of "what am I here for in such a time as this?" Did you know, dear child of God through faith in Christ, that you are a chosen vessel also? That dash _ between your birth year (which God knew) and your death year (which God knows) is to be filled with passion and purpose for what He is purposeful and passionate for. I read John Piper's mission statement again today- "Everything that we do is done to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ." Yes, God is passionate about His glory and God loves people so much that He died for us. Paul spent the rest of his day, mostly in hardships like we cannot imagine, spreading the Name of Jesus Christ to people- loving and ministering to people. I like to think that his life verse was Phil.1:21- "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Heavenly Father, open our eyes that we may see Your presence and Your power! Forgive us, Lord, that our selfish lives are more about our possessions, prestige, popularity, and pleasures than they are for Your purpose and passion for Your supremacy and for Your people whom You came to save. Help us, Father, to know that often providential problems (Ps.119:67, 71) lead to the awareness of blindness and thus that we would desire more that we and our loved ones be holy instead of happy. Thank You, Lord, that You are still in the eye-opening business! "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. I am a stranger in the earth: hide not Thy commandments from me."
- Deborah
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