I read an article in the newspaper yesterday that brought tears to my eyes and a heart-felt appreciation for our men and women in uniform. Let me give you the headline and first paragraph to launch my thought for the day. "Double-amputee returns to war. Norcross (my home town) native loses his left leg, part of right foot in Iraqi blast. When a bomb exploded under Dan Luckett's Army Humvee in Iraq two years ago-blowing off one of his legs and part of his foot- the first thing he thought was: "That's it. You're done. No more Army for you." Disappointedly, he thought that his dream of being in the military was over and I wondered how many more would have said the same words but in a different tone and attitude, maybe something like this: " Yep, I'm done, I have given all I can give. Now, Walter Reed Medical Center and the government can take care of me- poor, pitiful me besides."
Less than a year later, now " Captain" Dan Luckett was running a mile in eight minutes. Months later, he passed a physical fitness test which required running twelve miles in three hours with a 35- pound backpack and in May, he returned to Afghanistan. I can't proceed until I say "thank-you, Capt. Luckett and thousands like you who love this country and lay aside your personal health and security and determine to get back up when life has knocked you flat on your faces." (Read the entire story at AJC.com. Sunday, Sept 26th,2010- he even has a sense of humor).
My blog (as all of them) is firstly to me today. I have always tried in my teaching and writing to first examine my own heart concerning the issues that I present and today, even more so on this subject of being a good soldier of Jesus Christ and what it takes to make us quit. 2 Timothy 2:3-4- "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life: that he may please Him Who hath chosed him to be a soldier." Believer, all soldiers expect and prepare for conflict. Far too many pulpit messages are deceiving people into thinking that comfort is God's goal for His soldiers. Ephesians 6 is clear about the conflict we face and the process of being effectively suited up for it. This world system, our sinful human nature, (my biggest foe), and satan are our fierce opponents and fight doggedly against us every day. Expect it, Christian friend- the guys and gals packing up today to deploy to Afghanistan know they aren't going to a party or on a vacation where they will sit by the beach, eat donuts, and tell jokes all day. Rather, there will be constant dangers to face, decisions to be made, and dilemmas to be addressed.
In verse 3, I see the expected conflict and in verse 4, note the enlisted consecration. What, or better asked, Who are we dedicated to? Matthew Henry says it like this- "The soldiers of Jesus Christ must approve themselves good soldiers, faithful to their Captain, resolute in His cause." David asked "is there not a cause?" when he faced the giant enemy bellowing against the children of God.
There is a cause, dear one, and maybe someone needs to be encouraged today with these simple words. Don't quit! or Get back in the fight! Like Captain Luckett, maybe you have been wounded but those scars will serve as a reminder of God's grace and will be a source of encouragement and inspiration to other fellow soldiers! I love the Steve Green song- May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful!. I look at my two precious grandchildren and know there is a cause to stay at the task. That generation needs us to hold fast to the faith and to the doctrines of the Book!
Let me close with the positive truth concerning the conflict and our consecration to the cause. Suppose the U.S. Dept. of Defense could promise every soldier that the victory is already secure, that all they need is to show up for the little skirmishes but they guarantee victory. We would probably have more enlistments, I would think. Well, here is a blessed thought as we see the expected conflict and the enlisted consecration- on the near horizon is an endless, enjoyable consummation. The word, according to Webster's means perfect and complete. Shout Hallelujah, Christian brothers and sisters- the war is already won and we are showing up for the battles everyday but the Winner has already been decided and declared. Aren't you glad you are on Jesus Christ's side? 1 Cor. 15:57 "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Looking up, Deborah
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