Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Remember

Today commemorates one of those days where every one remembers where they were and what they were doing when the news began to report the events, firstly, from New York and then at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.  Danny, Mark, and I had our breakfast and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Amy and our fourteen-month old granddaughter. At this time, we were still living in Alpharetta, the Lyles in Duluth, so a short commute meant at least a couple of visits per week and we, as first time grandparents, were loving every minute of it. Amy would tell us that as soon as they turned on Cumming Street, Alicia would begin to joyfully squeal and kick her feet. Oh, yeah, she knew it was going to be a good day!  Little did we realize that this was about to be the worst day that this country of ours had ever endured, at least in my lifetime.

When the second plane hit and we were all  very aware that this was a planned attack, the phone rang and Jeff, being very concerned for his wife and baby, urged us to have her call him when she arrived because she was already en route.  I will never forget the relief of seeing that car turn into our driveway nor the ache in my heart as I opened that back door, (and yes, a squealing and feet-kicking precious baby girl), unbuckling that car seat and holding her closer than maybe ever before. She, a baby, completely oblivious to the day's happenings, wanted to play outside and play we did but in our well-aware adult hearts was an unsettling feeling as we looked at her and knew she would never know and enjoy the America we had as children. Life seemed so simple then.  I will never forget the pain that I felt on that day and today, we pause to remember all the people, some little children, (some grandparents' precious ones) on their way to Disney World, some parents simply going to work to provide for their families, some heroes who brought down the plane in a Pennsylvania field to prevent further destruction and loss of more lives, many brave first responders who went up the stairs when everything in our human natures would prompt us to run down and out of those burning buildings.

We remember the almost 3000 people and their families who are reminded every day by the emptiness in their homes and their hearts. We will never forget the brave men and women in uniform who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to fight against the evil who perpetrated this dastardly deed. We, in prayer today, pray for all those who still valiantly and courageously fight in harm's way as I write and their family members who miss their daddies and mommies and sons and daughters and wives and husbands and brother and sisters and friends. We remember!

No, we will never forget, will we? Let me close with the positive today. David said in Ps. 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."   I love my country. An American flag flies on my front porch most all the time.  I am so thankful that God let me born in this United States of America, a country that He has shed upon abundantly His grace and love but my trust is not in this land or its strength , not its military might and certainly not in the wisdom of its government.  Our trust is in the Lord Who has a plan and we don't know where or how America fits into it but this we do know. The Holy Bible teaches us that one day GOD will put down all who are wicked and HE will rule and reign in righteousness and our hearts cry out for that day, do they not, Christian friends? Remember, today, as you reflect on the events of nine years ago, that America may have changed but our God has not!  "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever."  Praise Him for His faithfulness!!

Looking up, Deborah


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