This morning, I began my Bible study with praying what David prayed in Ps. 119:18- "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law." I turned then to Ps. 32 and began reading and meditating on a Psalm that I needed and was benefited much from today, one of the Penitential Psalms simply entitled A Psalm of David, Maschil. I read that that word could mean instruction or contemplation and from the writings of the man after God's own heart and my contemplation on them, let me share some things that I saw and was blessed by in my quiet time this morning.
In verses 1 and 2, we see the happiness that being forgiven brings. The Hebrew word is esher and in my Strong's Concordance was this definition- blessed or how happy!. It is the reason that Leah gave her newborn son in Genesis 30, the name Asher. Verse 13- "Happy am I for the daughters will call me blessed. So she called his name Asher." Believers, we are happily blessed because our record has been cleared. Imagine with me that you once were in trouble with the law and you know that the crime stands forever on your record down at the courthouse. One day, you receive a call and appear before a judge and tremble because you know that foolish thing you wish you could forget is about to be dredged up again and wonder if there is an additional penalty about to be imposed but surprisingly, the judge tells you that new evidence has been presented and he erases your guilty record; no longer can anyone use it against you. How happy would we be?
The truth is that we all are guilty but for those of us in Christ, God does not charge our account with it any longer because Jesus paid it all! Yes, there at that courtroom table stands One Who paid our penalty for us, our Advocate, the Righteous Lamb of God. That is a million plus times better than receiving a temporary earthly pardon here. This pardon from God though Jesus Christ our Savior has eternal ramifications. Col. 2:13-15 "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He quickened together with Him, having forgiven you ALL trespasses: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross. And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it." Guilt is an enemy of our soul and let me share a quote I read recently concerning this- "Guilt harbored in the heart rather than confessed openly to God is deadly. Guilt entrusted to God is dead- freeing the sinner to enjoy God's love."
I see David's happiness over God's forgiveness and it came about because of his honesty over his sins. I kept coming back to verse six which, quite frankly, didn't seem to fit because wrongly we surmise that the godly surely aren't praying about their own sins. Sure we do- our sins bother us the most. Ungodly people aren't grieving over what grieves God- else they would repent and turn from their sins. Rather, it is the godly man or woman who is sad when they fail and we all do. David was miserable (vs 3-5) and when Nathan confronted him, he, according to Ps. 51, said these words "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified when Thou speakest, and be clear when Thou judgest." Simply put- "Lord, You are right, I am wrong." It will be a happy day in our lives when it dawns on us that we can be honest before God. Do we, actually, think we can hide anything from Him? He knows our hearts, even better than we know them ourselves. Amy and I were speaking this morning about how refreshing ( although seemingly rare these days) it is to be around a person who knows who they are in the Lord and they are not trying to hide nor impress. It is foolish for us to try either on the Lord. We cannot hide and He certainly isn't impressed! Most of the time, people aren't either. One holds our attention and awe and His name is Jesus!
This Psalm teaches me that being forgiven brings a happy life, an honest life, and a hidden life. I love this aspect that Paul reminds us of in Colossians 3:3- "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." In this dark world of demands, deadlines, and devilish devices, don't you love the picture of being hidden where the enemy can't find you, try as he might? I love running and hiding in my safe place, rather my safe Person. Hidden with Him, I hear songs and sense mercy that surrounds me. (vs 7and 10). There, we have instructions to guide us. (vs 8). While hiding in Him, we will be reminded of the senselessness of stubborness. (vs 9). He is the Lord, He's the Ruler, He wins, He is the Supreme, Sovereign Conqueror! We, like Saul, who has been pursued and caught by the Lord in Acts 9, need to ask as we hide in Him- "Who are You, Lord? (we will never learn all of Him in this earthly journey) and "What is it you want me to do, Lord?" Then, with confidence in Him, march forward.
The chapter begins with happiness and ends with "Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, you righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" Our desire is that You own and rule every inch of that heart, Lord, that You be at home in our hearts. Thank You, Lord, that we don't have to hang our heads with guilt but just as David did, we can confess and turn from our sins and leave the guilt at the cross where You, lovingly and mercifully, forgave ALL our iniquities as You died. Even now, we hear by faith those amazing words of grace- "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." We sing with the songwriter "Amazing love, how can it be? That Thou, my Lord, should die for me." Thank You, Sovereign Lord!! Thank You that what You accomplished at the cross on our behalf brings to us- hearts that are happy, honest, and hidden in Thee.
Looking up, Deborah
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