Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My A-Z Thanksgiving List!

For fourteen years, I taught a dear ladies' Sunday School class in which we studied many books of the Bible straight through, sometimes taking months. I love a thorough and topical study of the Scriptures. Many of them remarked that they looked forward to the time of the year when I would share the Thanksgiving lesson and I did too. The preparation for that Sunday would be fairly easy because I don't have to think too long to come up with a thankful list, no, rather, this pen that I hold in my hand would run out of ink first before I could write of all that the Lord has done for me. But, here we go with a few, ok?
I am thankful for Amy and Alicia. Almost 36 years ago, with the Samples' clan running about 4-1 odds that Danny and I would have a girl ( boys were winning big time) and before the day of predictable ultrasounds on the gender of the baby,we were elated and surprised when Dr. Phillips announced that we had a perfectly healthy baby girl who now has grown into a beautiful lady. With her, I laugh and find comfort. Twenty-five years later, I was privileged to be in another labor and delivery room and heard the first cries of another beautiful baby girl, my first grandchild! This special girl knows she holds a treasured spot in this MaMa's heart. Thank You, Lord!

I am thankful for Bibles which instruct and encourage me as I travel here. For brothers- I know all four would be here if I needed them.  For books and babies.

I am thankful for Charity, our beautiful and sweet second daughter whom God brought to Mark three years ago. In her, I see a kind and giving heart and there is such an ease being in her presence.We love her! Thank You, Lord!

I am thankful for Danny, my husband of forty years. Just this past week, as I have been very sick, he has shown his love again for me, tending to my every need. I love him and hope I have never taken for granted the tender man he really is in his heart. On the phone just now while I was writing, he called and somehow the memory came up of when I wrecked the car when the babies were young. We were on the way to the doctor, AGAIN, with an ear infection and I hit his truck which was on the side of the driveway. Yes, you heard that right. Two vehicles in our own driveway. At supper, as I began to tell him about it, he remarked that everyone looked ok and I said, "Don't you want to go see the damaged goods?""Not until I finish eating, I mean, is there anything that we can do about it now?"  That's my man, what can I say?

I am thankful for encouragers!  For ears to hear their words and eyes to see God's marvelous creation!

I am thankful for friends, old and new. Two stopped in for cheesecake and a cup of Starbuck's recently and I sure was thankful for the fellowship. For family and fireplaces on cold wintry nights.

I am thankful for God's grace. The older (and tireder in body) and wiser I become, the more I realize that it's all about Him, all for Him, all to Him! I trust and rely every moment on His saving grace, His sustaining grace, His strengthening grace, yes, Praise His Name for His sovereign grace!!

I am thankful for Heaven, our real Home. We are closer, fellow Sojourner than we were yesterday. 

I am thankful for ice cream, especially on "wee-ones'" noses and running down the sides of their sweet faces. They know how to enjoy simple pleasures.

I am thankful for Jeff, our second son whom God brought to Amy thirteen years ago. I call him my preacher boy. He loves God and God's Word and God's flock and leads his little family with wisdom and we love him. I, also, love his sense of humor. Thank You, Lord!

I am thankful for Krispy Kreme doughnuts. YUMMY!!!   I am thankful for Kelly, Dedene's(Alicia and Landon's name)  "special" child" whom we all love dearly!

I am thankful for Landon! When he was about 9-10 weeks old , we were very concerned for his health. He, today, at 5, is healthy, energetic, and very smart. I know, I sound like a typical grandparent, don't I? :)  He, also, holds my heartstrings in his smile. Thank You, Lord!

I am thankful for Mark, my firstborn. In January of 1973, Danny and I could not have been happier when God presented us with a baby boy. He has grown to be a fine and compassionate man and we love him! I love to go to lunch with him at Longhorn's. He is fun to be with.Thank You, Lord!

I am thankful for November and for normal days. Let me share a quote  I read recently in a Joni book by Mary Jane Iron:" Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are... Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in my pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."

I am thankful for opportunities to help others!  I am thankful for ornaments on Christmas trees which every year remind me of those loved ones, some now in Heaven, who gave them to me wrapped in love!

I am thankful for prayer, the access we have as God's children, to enter the throne room and find grace and mercy in our time of need and for His promises which cannot fail! I am thankful for parents who prayed and believed God's promises!

I'm thankful for quilts and quiet nights.  For quarterbacks who can run and throw. :)

I am thankful for rest, physical and spiritual. Learning to relax knowing that Jesus Christ has His hands on the wheel of my life sure is a blessing!

I am thankful for sisters, Darlene and Jeanette who help me so much and for countless others in Christ, most of whom I have yet to meet but will one day. I am thankful for sunrises and sunsets and soldiers and snow!

I'm thankful for teachers and for the trials that have only served to make me stronger in the Lord!

I am thankful for understanding people and for unity!

I am thankful for victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN!!

I am thankful for winter days beside a roaring fire with a good book. For watermelon on summer days and for the wonder of God's handiwork and the worship in our hearts for Him!

I am thankful for  (yes, this one is usually a challenge).......x-rays so the doctor knows how to set the broken bone. Xylophones are nice too! :)

I'm thankful for YOU, Dear Reader, I am humbled that you drop by here to read with all you have to do and all the great blog sites out there. Thank you. My aim is to be a blessing!

I am thankful for zealous Christians, excited about serving the Lord. He is worthy!!  

Have a blessed Thanksgiving from one who is blessed beyond measure from her Lord and Savior!

"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are His people,and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting: and His truth endureth to all generations." Psalm 100


  1. and we are thankful for you Mama !!!!!
    Love you !!!!
    P.S. I can't believe Starbucks didn't make the list !!! :-)

  2. Oh how I have missed your Thankful lessons!!! Thank you for sharing your heart again!!! Dedebe
