Maybe one of the most challenging yet most fulfilling roles is that of parenting. I pray for parents today. I wasn't a perfect one in Mark's and Amy's formative years, looking back, I can identify many errors that I made and today, I still fail but believe that God and experience have taught me a few things in my journey from being a first-time parent at age 20 to now, 38 years later, enjoying the pleasure of being a grandmother. (Jeff set up my new blog site- how about those grandkids?) :) :) :) )
Can I begin by stating that I am glad that I am not parenting in this day in which we find ourselves living? Yes, I know that God's wisdom and grace is still just as sufficient as ever before but when I look around and see the challenges in this society that were not as prevalent when Danny and I were hearing the pitter-patting of little feet in our home, I pray for you who find yourselves wanting to excel at the task that God has given you.
I share a quote from Ted Tripp from his book entitled Shepherding a Child's Heart- "Recognizing that God has called you to function as His agent defines your task as a parent. Our culture has reduced parenting to providing care. Parents often see the task in these narrow terms. The child must have food, clothes, a bed and some quality time. In sharp contrast to such a weak view, God has called you to a more profound task than being a care-provider. You shepherd your child in God's behalf. The task God has given you is not one that can be conveniently shceduled. It is a pervasive task. Training and shepherding are going on whenever you are with your children. Whether waking, walking, talking or resting, you must be involved in helping your child to understand life, himself and his needs from a Biblical perspective."
I pray that our children know that they are a priority to us, their Christian parents, that at the top of our list is the objective to raise them for the glory of God! I remember praying when I felt that first kick, the one you ladies know that took your breath away by the creation going on inside your body, (and yes, literally took your breath away about the 8-9th month when the 8 pounder kicked.). I prayed- "Lord, let this child have a heart for You and Your ways." We, like Hannah, presented them back to God even before they were born.
I am definitely not a psychologist nor M.D. but I ache for the kids that we see acting out and wrecking their lives and many (NOT ALL) simply have not had the question answered yet- "Does anyone care? Where are Dad and Mom when I need them?" I weep as we see this culture's teen-aged icons destroying their lives because parents are exploiting their beauty and talents for money's sake and the drug dependent kids are shouting that things and money are not the answer! I believe they want to know they are a priority and they long for our participation in their lives. Proverbs 22:6 is a familiar passage to Bible students- "TRAIN up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Training takes effort and time and we don't even know the way God wants our children to go unless we are participating in the process. Yes, I know that godliness is the way for all but I am speaking of particulars here. I used to think that verse meant all kids were cookie-cutter models and you just line them up and shape them all alike. You know, give them all the same spanking with the same amount of licks, right? When the two that God blessed my husband and me to have came into our home, we quickly saw that the same two parents could produce two very different personalities and temperaments. I, myself, as a child, aimed to please and most of the time, could be broken with a firm word. There are children who come here, I believe, a little more strong-willed than others and who knows, maybe, God is preparing them to be a leader. We, as parents, are to help chip away that which hinders and hone that which is advantageous to His call for them. That is where the training comes into view and it is easier just to get the cookie- cutter mold out. That way, we don't have to take our precious time from other things to study and know our kids.
I pray, Parent, that you prioritize and that you participate (I remember how it made me feel to see Daddy and Mother in the bleachers as I played basketball) and I also pray for persistence. They are worth it- stay at the task and yes, I know, at times it seems thankless and very tiring. Stick with your "no's" when you, the wiser and more discerning adult know the dangers that they don't yet see. Our children need us to protect them today. I shudder at the avenues of evil that they have access to today. Know, dear Parents, what they look at, listen to, and their peers who are so influential. Remember that as God has a plan and you, as the people who love them the most beside Him, want them to follow His plan, so does the enemy have a bulls-eye target on those precious ones. This morning, in my prayer time, I prayed that God would keep them, from the day-care kids all the way to our college young adults from the evil. I love children and am saddened by the abortion of them, the abuse upon them, and the neglect we see in various forms today.
Finally, I pray for you to have patience. I picture Jesus holding the wee ones, making time for those whom people think are a bother. I know, Christian Sister, that the early days are trying at times but believe me, it will pass before you know it. Be patient with them- they are just little people and I reminded someone recently in a conversation that we adults don't act right toward each other at times- we certainly ought not be so hard on the little ones' mistakes. Recognize the difference between disobedience and childhood mistakes- they will make them- it is all in the process of growing up. I am glad our Heavenly Father is patient with us- "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust." Ps. 103:13-14. I close with a quote I read today in my study- "Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it." Praying for you, Parents who read. I pray that your children will make a difference in this dark world, that they will shine like lights with the love of Christ and for the glory of God!
Praying for parents, Deborah
I needed this Momma - thank you !!!!