Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Praying for Pastors

I love pastors, God-called men who fill pulpits and shepherd the flock and are burning with a passion to walk worthy of the ministry that God has entrusted to their care. Danny and I both grew up in pastors' homes, my brother,Lamar, was one before health issues arose in his life, and now, my second son, Jeff pastors a congregation in Lawrenceville. I say that about those men to qualify that I know a little about the triumphs and the struggles in this particular arena.

Pastors are on my prayer list- some well known ones like Chuck Swindoll and John MacArthur; others here in rural Dawson County whose names would not be as familiar but being used just the same for God's glory. I call regularly the names of men of local churches that we used to attend and for one whom has been a pastor for me for twelve years now, Pastor Scott Kay. He told me the first time that we met that he was here to help me in my ministry and I will never forget that servant- leader mentality that he so displayed and still does to this day. I asked him one time that if I go Home via death, would he preach to my family about God's goodness and grace?  It's good that he is young enough to be my son so maybe he will outlive me. Yes, he and Jeff will make a good combination for a glorious homegoing service, won't they? Maybe we will go via the rapture!  I pray for pastors because there is no greater work to be done than what is being wrought for God's kingdom. Because of that undeniable fact, the assault against the work and workers is fierce and brutal, at times. In many of Paul's letters, a man who definitely knew the dangers and pitfalls, he reminds the people to "pray for us."

From Biblical instruction, here are some things I pray for pastors. I doubt that there are many who read these blogs but I know of two and I want to be an encouragement to you who are aiding us and encouraging us because you are sold out for the cause of Christ and have made it your mission to minister to the saints. You are being prayed for often, many times in the middle of the night, hopefully while you are getting some much needed rest.   From Col. 4 and 2 Thess. 3, I pray for the proclamation of the Gospel and for its clarity as you preach from week to week. I praise God for preachers who have refused the gimmicks and the "mini-nothings" to tickle ears but are preaching the Word in season and out of season. Preach it, Brother! There are those of us who desire to hear it- yes, it smarts at times like salt in a fresh wound but it is a cleansing agent and is good for us and let me remind you, it is still the "power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth...". It has always been God's method and will continue to be so until He comes.  I pray not only for your clear and bold proclamation but for your purity. Paul writes to young Timothy and exhorts him to flee some things, to run from the dangers that lurk, things we have seen that brought down men who once ran well. I pray that money nor power become a snare and reading in Proverbs recently, I prayed you would find yourself reading chaps. 2, 5,6,7, and that you note the consequences that follow from failing morally. Chapter 6:26 has always intrigued me- "For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will HUNT for the PRECIOUS life." Not only is the pastor's family hurt but the church family as they experience the victory of the enemy as she sought and captured the precious life, the word in the Hebrew being valuable and bright. Maybe it is an uncomfortable thought but the truth is she is so emboldened today, on billboards, on TV, on computer screens and she thrills to devalue your ministry and put out the light. Run if you must, like Joseph did when he asked "How can I do this and sin against God?"

There's much more I pray for pastors, like their protection, their being kept from the evil, but let me close with that I pray for your perseverance. Aim to say with Paul- "I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished my course."  I don't pretend to empathize completely because I am not a pastor nor will be because God calls men for that office. But I do know some of your struggles- I have lived in a pastor's home- I was a sounding board for my brother when the load was so heavy that he needed to talk. I know that many tears are shed when no one else is aware, messages weigh heavy on hearts in the middle of the night as you long for the people in the congregation to move forward in their faith, people that you love and want to minister to, misunderstand and leave angrily, family activities are postponed because the unexpected call comes from the hospital. Sometimes, it just helps to know that someone knows and cares and prays for you. I do!  I, also, pray for the wives and children in these homes.  I adjure you in the words of the old cliche- "keep on keeping on."  It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! I will let Peter have the final word inspired by the Holy Spirit- "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." 

Praying for pastors, Deborah


  1. Thank you Deborah. I am humbled and thankful. Very thankful. Especially for the very specific things you pray for me for. If I were to ask you to pray for me, your list is the one that I would give you. God is good to be so wise through your prayers for me. May he bless you, my sister, because my heart surely does.

    With affection for you, and gratitude for you beyond words,

  2. May God raise up twenty Deborah Samples for every faithful pastor who is set for the glory of Christ. Along with Scott, i am both grateful and humbled that you serve me through intercession. You are pivotal in Amy's and my life. don't know where we would be without the prayers of MaMa. I love you. -Jeff
