Thursday, March 25, 2010

Caring and Comforting Words

      I was reading a multitude of verses in Proverbs this morning as I prepared to end this theme of our speech. Scripture is clear on the importance of our words- read James 3. The Book of Proverbs is filled with verses- I challenge you to get a concordance and look up the verses that have to do with our speech. Many have to do with the negative aspect, things such as lying, boasting, gossiping, spreading discord and others. Our OWNER'S MANUAL has much to say about the little member that can set things on fire, according to James 3 or can bring health and comfort to the hearer.

From two verses in Prov. 12, today, using them as my springboard, I want to write about caring, compassionate, and comforting words that should proceed from our lips. Prov. 12:18 "There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword; but the tongue of the wise is health." Verse 25-"Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop; but a good word maketh it glad."

I will try to be brief today as I want to share some simple caring, compassionate, and comforting words that we all should employ from time to time, probably, much more often than we do.

Firstly, "I love you."  Everyone longs to hear that said to them. All little children need to hear that as they grow up. Why is that so hard for Christian people to express? Previously, I commented on how the last words of loved ones are so important to us. On the last two days of my precious Mother's life, she called for Daddy and her seven children, one by one, and I remember well when I walked into her ICU room, Danny by my side, the ache in my heart like I had never experienced before. She motioned for me to remove the oxygen mask from her face and I had to lean closely to barely hear a tired, weak, and ready to depart saint say these words "I just want you to know that I love you and please tell my babies (that would be Mark who was 12 and Amy who was 10) that I love them dearly." "Oh, Mother,", I said, " You have proven that all of your life and we all love you more than you know."

Fourteen years later, before I walked out of my beloved Daddy's room for the last time, he said "I love you, Hon."  "I love you too, Daddy, you have been a good Daddy." Both he and Mother reminded us at the end what we already knew and had been told during our lifetime.  We say those 3 little words alot around our home in Dawsonville. Maybe, today, it would bring health and gladness to someone to hear it from you!

Secondly, "I forgive you."  Yes, being unforgiving hurts me more than the one I am bitter against. Many times, they don't even know it and are just going on about their lives, as we "stew" over our pettiness. Bitterness and refusing to forgive will make a person quite sick. We have all been hurt and often we have been the offender instead of the offended. I have decided that life is too short and there are too many important issues in life to nurse grudges in my heart.

Thirdly, "I am sorry."  Now, there are three words that some of us come near to exploding before we can muster enough courage to say them. Why? PRIDE!   They make us admit that we aren't perfect. Imagine that!?!?!?    Spouses need to say it; parents, it's very appropriate to tell your children that. They will respect you when they realize that you know you are human and "blow it" at times. By the way, have you said that to your Lord lately? I am so glad that I can come to Him and confess and say "I am sorry, Lord" and He says those first two we talked about: " I love you, dear child and I forgive you."  John 3:16 and 1 John 1:9

Fourthly, "I am here for you and you can make it."   Those are comforting words when a fellow believer is going through a tough time. My sister, Jeanette, and I were recalling recently some precious people bringing homemade sausage biscuits to the hospital in 1985 because we didn't want to leave. The doctors could not figure why Mom lived 5 minutes after her heart attack because it was so badly damaged so we stayed night and day. ( I know why because our SOVEREIGN LORD  is in control of when He takes His precious ones Home).  Romans 12:15 tells us to "weep with those who weep"and 2 Cor. 1:2-3 says "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort: Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort werewith we ourselves are comforted of God." I am glad, again, that God says those words to us in our our darkest hour " I am here for you" Heb. 13:5 and "You will get though this." Phil 1:6 and 2 Cor. 12:9 .  Sometimes, we fear we don't know what to say. Probably, we don't. Just a hand on the shoulder may be all that's needed.

Fifth, "I am praying for you."  Don't you love to hear your fellow believers assure you of their prayers?Just today, Amy had breakfast with a dear lady from church, one I have never met, and as Amy shared with her that this week had been very physically challenging for her Mom, her friend, Tammy told her to tell me that she is praying for me. You know, we can do that for each other even if we are limited in other areas. Sometimes, in the wee hours of the morning, I am doing that for you, dear reader. Here is a better thought- Jesus prays for us! Read John 17 and especially verse 20 "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word."  That's us, dear ones.  Romans 8:26 says when we don't know what to pray- maybe because the heart can't find the words to match the pain (have you been there?) that "the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."  Read Heb. 2:17-18; 4:14-16 :  7:24-26 and rejoice that our Lord Jesus performs the High Priestly work on behalf of you and me.

Finally,  "You have been a blessing and an encouragement to my as I walk this pilgrim's journey of faith".  Yes, you who read this have been to me. Maybe you should let someone know that today.

Let's purpose to use our tongues in the precious time that we have left to glorify God, magnify His Son, and edify and encourage fellow saints!  May it be, Lord Jesus, of my life!

     Looking up, Deborah
      Isaiah 50:4       Eph. 4:29

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your blog/lessons Mrs.Deborah,it is a great encouragement to me.
