Monday, December 27, 2010

A White Christmas

Just a few random thoughts today to let you know that I am still among earth's inhabitants. The past week has been very busy for me and I am sure, for you readers also. GranDanny and I are enjoying the quiet, no where to go, the Christmas tree, Starbuck's Christmas blend coffee, and the beautiful snow on the ground, now beginning to disappear as it runs from the sunshine.  For all of my 58+ years, I have heard and enjoyed the classic song by Irving Berlin, sung best by Bing Crosby, called I'm Dreaming of A White Christmas. Basically, that is all we ever did- dream of one- because here in the south, we are usually in the 50-60- temperature range and that isn't conducive to snow.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Love Came Down at Christmas, Love all Lovely Love Divine.

"If He Had Not Come"

While reading through the Christmas story this morning from the Holy Scriptures, from Gabriel's announcement to Zechariah concerning his son, John, to the Magi's visit to the young Child, maybe around age two, our supposition being because of Herod's seeking out all the baby boys who were two and under, I kept thinking of the words of a new song entitled If He Had Not Come. Amy is singing it at church today and maybe I can post that later. The words are wonderful and I am sure it will be sung beautifully.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"While You Were Sleeping!"

Danny and I left Dawsonville on Wednesday afternoon to go pick-up a part for our broken heating system (yes, quite the cold week for a heater to break) in Lawrenceville. Well, as you might expect, that is a little too close to the babies, especially with the little one being sick for a week, so we swung by to see them even though we had vaguely heard of a winter storm advisory in our part of the state. Around 4:00, I didn't pay much attention when Grandanny reminded me that it was beginning to sleet because we were having so much fun with our Alicia and Landon but when it took us three hours to make a one hour drive home, I wish I had listened to the warning.

While You Were Sleeping - Casting Crowns

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Joseph the Husband of Mary"

Listening to one of my favorite (there's many of them, aren't they?) Christmas cds this past week, I heard a song that Michael Card wrote and performed called Joseph's Song. As I like to ponder what it must have been like for the young Jewish virgin girl, Mary, I also imagine myself in the story alongside another pivotal role player in this Christmas story. Little is said about the young man who God in His sovereignty chose to be the earthly guardian of His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ but what is recorded for us in the Scriptures, I believe, has insights for us concerning this son of Jacob from the lineage of David. The Bible says that he is Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus Who is called Christ.

Joseph's Song -Michael Card

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"My Soul Magnifies the Lord!"

To people who know me well, if they were challenged to list 50 things about me, (well, maybe that would be too difficult- how about 25?...15?....10?... I sound like Abraham, don't I?), that I am a music lover would be one. And of course, it goes without saying that Christmas music, good Christmas music makes me happy. I retrieve my green rubbermaid container from the top of the closet about two weeks before Thanksgiving and have a day of mourning around Jan. 15th when that wonderful music goes back to their designated shelf.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

That Beautiful Name

I love the study of the names of our Savior in the sweet Scriptures. Just in the Book of John alone, I have been blessed this week as I read that He is the Word, the Light, the Lamb of God, the Messiah, the Son of God, the King of Israel and we aren't even out of the first chapter of the Apostle's writings.  Psalm 9:10 tells us that "And they that  know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou,LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee" and here in the Christmas season, I want us to look at a few that the Isaiah prophesied concerning our Lord hundreds of years before He lay in a manger. In chapter 9 of that O.T. Book, He is called Wonderful.

Cherish That Name

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne

"Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne"

So far, we have looked at two Christmas songs which in essence are the prayers of the people- crying out for the long expected Jesus to come- our same cry today!  Imagine, with me, the scene on earth before He came the first time- the weary and oppressed people awaiting and we know, that some were eagerly anticipating His arrival. We see two of them in Luke 2, two elderly people, one named Simeon, "a just and devout man, waiting for the Consolation of Israel." Anna was another who served God in the temple "with prayers and fastings night and day and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel (with lyrics)

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

I spent a quiet and wonderful Thanksgiving Day with Jeff, Amy, and the two precious "grands". After lunch, the three of us nestled on the downstairs couch and watched a movie that, in the ending, seemed that the good had died so the wicked would perish also. Alicia and MaMa were tearing up and my boy, who seems to live life this way, announced "Let's look on the bright side of things!"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chris Tomlin - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

"Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus!"

I like the word, anticipation, don't you? Mr. Webster said it means "to look forward to, especially with pleasure." We see an excellent example of it, I think, in the eyes of the little children as they look forward to Christmas morning. They can "just hardly wait!"  In Genesis 3, after walking in sweet communion with their Creator and God, Adam and Eve fall to temptation and sin and we hear the dreaded word, curse, for the first time. From the first Book of the canon of Scripture to the last, we see the fall's consequences and Malachi ends his revelation with the same word, curse.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My A-Z Thanksgiving List!

For fourteen years, I taught a dear ladies' Sunday School class in which we studied many books of the Bible straight through, sometimes taking months. I love a thorough and topical study of the Scriptures. Many of them remarked that they looked forward to the time of the year when I would share the Thanksgiving lesson and I did too. The preparation for that Sunday would be fairly easy because I don't have to think too long to come up with a thankful list, no, rather, this pen that I hold in my hand would run out of ink first before I could write of all that the Lord has done for me. But, here we go with a few, ok?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Praying for the Perplexed!

Today, I have attempted to do many things- house things, retrieving my Christmas cds out of the closet, etc. and my mind and heart keep drawing me to His Word and this computer because my thoughts, today, are on people who are questioning the paths that God has chosen for them. And we have all been there, haven't we, to some degree or another?  I am reading Joni's new book entitled A Place of Healing; Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty. At the beginning of one of the chapters, John Stott is quoted saying this: "The fact of suffering, undoubtedly, constitutes the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith, and has been in every generation."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Praying for the Poor!

This morning in my prayer time, I was meditating on a new blog I could share and turned to my Proverb passage for the day. I , along with my other Bible reading, try to read one chapter from Proverbs a day, much wisdom to be gleaned from that book and today was the 19th chapter. I began soaking in the wise words from this passage and noted that the word, poor, showed up 5 times. I, particularly, was captured by verse 17: "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD: and that which he hath given will He pay him again."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Praying for Parents!

Maybe one of the most challenging yet most fulfilling roles is that of parenting. I pray for parents today. I wasn't a perfect one in Mark's and Amy's formative years, looking back, I can identify many errors that I made and today, I still fail but believe that God and experience have taught me a few things in my journey from being a first-time parent at age 20 to now, 38 years later, enjoying the pleasure of being a grandmother. (Jeff set up my new blog site- how about those grandkids?) :) :) :) )

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Praying for Pastors

I love pastors, God-called men who fill pulpits and shepherd the flock and are burning with a passion to walk worthy of the ministry that God has entrusted to their care. Danny and I both grew up in pastors' homes, my brother,Lamar, was one before health issues arose in his life, and now, my second son, Jeff pastors a congregation in Lawrenceville. I say that about those men to qualify that I know a little about the triumphs and the struggles in this particular arena.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pray For One Another

On the heels of my last blog, concerning fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing trying circumstances at this present time, I thought it would be an opportune time to remind us that we are to pray for one another.  In the Epistle from James, one who is said to have been called "Old Camel Knees" because of the humps on his knees from praying often, he reminds us in 5:16 to "pray for one another." Some Bible teachers remind us that the theme from this book is practical Christian living and with the "one anothers" that I have been studying, that is my thrust lately- to remind us that there are some things we cannot do nor understand but there are others that we can and should for others, especially in these seemingly increasing dark days.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The LORD on our Side!

I, a struggling pilgrim, write to others who need a good word today. I hold in my lap, as I pen these few thoughts, the Good Word and find much comfort and encouragement for the journey these days in the blessed Psalms. This week, I have been reading through chapters 120-134, the ones entitled in my Bible, the Songs of Ascents, those probably sung by those who said they felt they were sojourning in Mesech and Kedar (their enemies and haters of peace-chap. 120) but they were setting their eyes and hearts toward Jerusalem (the city of peace) and more importantly, toward the King of Jerusalem, their LORD Who made heaven and earth. (chap. 121).

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Exhort and Encourage One Another!

This morning, as I flipped pancakes in the kitchen, my husband tuned in to the TV to see if the rain would be gone so he could call his crew to roof today. There was quite the commotion going on as the sports broadcaster was in a packed gymnasium of exuberant,(to say the least- a little much so for me at 7:00 a.m.) fans of the Griffin Bears football team. Yes, the pep rally brought back some memories of the late 1960's, pleasant memories, I might add.  As I watched that blueberry pancake sizzle in the pan, I pictured a 15-17 yr old girl at a free throw line in a noisy gym and hearing fans and cheerleaders, dressed in blue and white like me, exhorting and encouraging me that I could sink the shot.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Forgive One Another

A couple of blogs ago, I began the "one anothers" of the New Testament with Jesus' words "Love one another" launching us into the study. I thought I would take two lessons to talk about the characteristics of love that Paul gave to us in 1 Cor. 13 but decided I would proceed when I saw that in that chapter, some of the other "one anothers' are included such as the last one we looked at- "love is kind."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Be Kind One To Another

WARNING: Here comes another example from my adorable grandson!  A few weeks ago, I told you the story of Alicia and Landon observing the beautiful, pink sky and discussing the reasons for the brilliant color to which Landon exclaimed that he thought God wanted to bless someone and he also thought He wanted to bless him. He went on to relate his reasoning  to his Mom and Sister. The day before, on the playground, he was winning the race, (apparently a rare event for him to be in the lead), and when he saw Timothy fall, he went back to help him up and then said later to his mommy and sister, "I think that made Jesus happy!"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love One Another

When my 5 year old grandson started to kindergarten this year, he was introduced to a new piece of apparel, one that 0-5 little boys have no need of and that being the dreaded belt. (You thought that I was going to say the necktie, didn't you?)  Well, his Mommy bought him one a week or so before school started so they could practice buckling it. She even got the magnetic type to make it easier and for the first day or two, she noticed when she picked up the children that the belt was barely hanging on the hips and maybe through one loop of the khaki uniform shorts he was wearing.  They practiced some more and toward the end of the week, she noticed an improvement and asked him- "Landon, are you getting better at clasping your belt?" And I love his reply-

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Spiritual Makeover

We have all, probably, watched one of those TV shows where Ty, I believe is his name, goes into a house and completely makes it over, so much so that you can hardly believe it is the one and same. Then there is the show where you have the before and after transformation of a dowdy woman, (not right hair, not right clothes, not right make-up, pretty much not right anything :)  ) and together with the make-up artist, the hair-dresser, and the fashionable wardrobe consultant, the new woman has changed from frumpy to fabulous in about an hour.  Together, with that example, let me use a couple of TV ads which make me laugh and frustrate me all at the same time, to try to show where I am going today in this writing.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rich In What Matters!

A few weeks ago, the precious ones had a sleepover with us and as Landon looked around the house, I guess to see if anything had changed since the last trip, he asked me- "MaMa, are you rich?" I had to smile, firstly, because Grandanny and I have a very humble home and secondly, I remembered that Alicia, around age five, had also asked me the question one day as she accompanied me to the bank to deposit twenty $100 bills so we could pay SOME of the bills for that month. She thought it was a lot of money! :) Maybe, when they start to school, they begin to hear "rich and poor", suppose?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflections on Finishing Well!

In my last blog, I left off with the thought of finishing well and today I was reading one of my favorite prayers in the Bible offered up by one of my favorite O.T. characters. I thought that from one of the final prayers of King David, I could offer some insight from a man who finished well.  I love to read the prayers in Scripture by the men and women of God. I think of Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel concerning her heartfelt desire for a child and Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1 as he desperately wanted the people to know the God that they served.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thoughts on September!

I just turned the calendar from, perhaps, my favorite month of the year. September, in many ways, seems more like a new beginning than January to me. Maybe it has to do with the the wonderful change of season (although it was very hot in Sept.) or the new routine that we learned as children as the school buses began to run again. Yes, when I went way back in the day, everyone started after Labor Day.  When I used to teach Sunday School, I would have the new series planned for the ninth month and would eagerly go shopping for my new study books and my 3-subject wide-ruled notebooks to make my many notes in for my new upcoming lessons.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fight On, Soldier!

I read an article in the newspaper yesterday that brought tears to my eyes and a heart-felt appreciation for our men and women in uniform. Let me give you the headline and first paragraph to launch my thought for the day.  "Double-amputee returns to war. Norcross (my home town) native loses his left leg, part of right foot in Iraqi blast. When a bomb exploded under Dan Luckett's Army Humvee in Iraq two years ago-blowing off one of his legs and part of his foot- the first thing he thought was:  "That's it. You're done. No more Army for you."  Disappointedly, he thought that his dream of being in the military was over and I wondered how many more would have said the same words but in a different tone and attitude, maybe something like this: " Yep, I'm done, I have given all I can give. Now, Walter Reed Medical Center and the government can take care of me- poor, pitiful me besides."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy, Honest, and Hidden Hearts

This morning, I began my Bible study with praying what David prayed in Ps. 119:18- "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law." I turned then to Ps. 32 and began reading and meditating on a Psalm that I needed and was benefited much from today, one of the Penitential Psalms simply entitled A Psalm of David, Maschil. I read that that word could mean instruction or contemplation and from the writings of the man after God's own heart and my contemplation on them, let me share some things that I saw and was blessed by in my quiet time this morning.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

God Just Wants To Bless Someone!

Yesterday morning, as I was enjoying my cup of coffee, I glanced out our window and saw an amazingly beautiful sky at sunrise. I gaze often at the magnificent handiwork of God that we see in the heavens just above us. I love those fluffy, snow-white, cumulus clouds that look like giant pillows that one could jump up and down on and then nestle down in for a good rest. But yesterday's view was more of the longer and more narrow sort, (I think we learned in 4th grade that these are cirrus clouds); nevertheless, they were set in a glorious blue, North Carolina blue sky with hues of pink and it was breath-taking!  I had to smile while soaking up God's masterpiece as I was reminded of a story that Amy told me as she was driving the children to school. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

How's Your Diet?

Seeing a new doctor recently who may hold some promise concerning Lyme, he emphatically and boldly (how dare he?) inquired -"So tell me about your diet." I was so glad to tell him that I have whole wheat blueberry pancakes most mornings for breakfast while holding my breath that he wasn't going to insist that I give up my Cafe Verona coffee. He did not so I will go back.  :) Most doctors usually are interested in what we are putting into our mouths on a regular basis. We don't like the inquisition but they know that that fact is very important and very much relative to how our bodies are serving us. In a recent blog, I commented that I stopped on the square a few Saturday mornings ago and helped the high school out with buying a box of their Krispy Kreme doughnuts but I don't think that I told you that when I got home, I took out one, yes, you heard right, just one, and ate it v-- e-- r-- y--- slowly with my coffee. Hot KK's and hot coffee, now that is living. I froze the others although I know I could have eaten six but I have learned that sugar is not my friend. Being I have too many "not well" days anyway, I am working hard on eliminating the foods that exacerbate the problem.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Remember

Today commemorates one of those days where every one remembers where they were and what they were doing when the news began to report the events, firstly, from New York and then at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.  Danny, Mark, and I had our breakfast and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Amy and our fourteen-month old granddaughter. At this time, we were still living in Alpharetta, the Lyles in Duluth, so a short commute meant at least a couple of visits per week and we, as first time grandparents, were loving every minute of it. Amy would tell us that as soon as they turned on Cumming Street, Alicia would begin to joyfully squeal and kick her feet. Oh, yeah, she knew it was going to be a good day!  Little did we realize that this was about to be the worst day that this country of ours had ever endured, at least in my lifetime.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts on Grief and Goals

Last weekend, we had our two precious ones for a sleepover and as Grandanny and Alicia enjoyed a game of checkers, I received a call from Amy that their much beloved Family Life Pastor was in critical condition suffering from kidney failure. I relayed the story to my husband believing that our granddaughter was already aware of the situation. With tears welling up in those beautiful blue eyes, she asked- "MaMa, are you talking about Bro. Don Shockley?" Then to my affirmative reply, with her voice breaking, she asked, "Is he going to die?"

Friday, September 3, 2010

God's Gift of Music

In my last blog, I noted that I am not much into "clothes shopping"- just a few simple and modest outfits (becoming increasingly harder to find) and I am good to go. On the other hand, though, the store that my husband thinks we should receive discounts from because of my frequent visits is the Christian bookstore. While many ladies can spend hours at the mall, I am delighted to be able to browse for half a day or more in the bookstore, seeking the best books and the best music.  I am a lover of music and while reading my preacher boy's blog yesterday (go there and be blessed, Letting Your Father Drive), I took my Bible and read a "not so familiar", at least not to me, story about the prophet Elisha and as Scripture is so apt to do, I was captured by the verses that were not Jeff's emphasis.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Closet Cleaning

A couple of nights ago while watching Gunsmoke, Dan and I heard a loud sound and as he hurried off to the downstairs and backyard, I went to check out the front of the house. I was hoping that it was the Momma and Baby deer that he and Mark have recently observed and I have not been privileged to see them yet. After finding nothing askew, we returned to our respective recliners to see if Matt got the villain again like he did the last time we saw this same episode (and he did!). It was only a couple of hours later when I went to retire for the night that I, very disappointed, saw the reason for the "sound like something fell" noise. My closet rack system had a support that had broken and much to my dismay, the floor was filled with clothes, some just returned clean and pressed from the cleaners, and shoes and purses all piled together resembling a mini mountain.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"My Help Comes From the LORD"

While driving in my car this afternoon, I heard a song on a cd that blessed and encouraged my heart because it was straight from the pages of the Bible. Psalm 121- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills; from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the LORD , Who made heaven and earth."  My Bible titles it "The Traveler's Psalm." It is, actually, the 2nd of 15 called a Song of Degrees or we would say of Ascents. As the pilgrims journeyed up (always up, from any direction,  because the city sat 2600 feet above sea level), to Jerusalem, they would sing these Psalms. Here, in 121, maybe they view in the distance their beloved city and as they near the hills, they ask "from hence comes our help, these hills?"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"At Their Wits' End"

Have you ever been there? It is a Biblical phrase, you know. I took my Strong's Concordance down today and looked it up. I knew it was in Psalms but couldn't come up with the chapter and verse but right there in chapter 107:27, were these words: "They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and at their wits' end."  I smiled when I read the verse, actually I chuckled a bit on the inside. "Why?", you might ask, " doesn't seem like a humorous verse to me." It will if you imagine the picture I am about to paint from an episode that happened to me on Sunday morning.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"All Of His Promises Are True!"

We had "promised" our two precious grandchildren that we would have them for a sleepover on Friday night since school begins next week. (Shortest summer on record, I believe.) But between a combination of low energy level with me and Landon arising on Thursday with a 101 degree fever, we had to cancel and will try again very soon for them to come up to visit with Grandanny and me. I don't know who was more disappointed, Alicia and Landon or Jeff and Amy who were looking forward to a nice and quiet dinner and evening.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"The Power of the Cross"

Last time, I wrote of an unspeakable scene, too majestic for words, the soon coming event that Scripture calls The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We, the Bride, await and anticipate with delight the day and imagine in our minds and hearts just how wonderful it will be!  Today, I want to look back instead of forward to the event that was necessary for us to ever enjoy the future one. I have contemplated this one much lately also. While reading through, again, a work called Pilgrim's Progress, the main character being a man called Christian, on his way from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, I was captured by a scene as he begins his pilgrimage.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Wedding of all Weddings

As Danny turned on the morning news to check-out the weather forecast,(important to roofers), the buzz seemed to be about the glitzy wedding that occurred in New York on Saturday. Now, whether celebrity nuptials peak your interest or not, it did stir up my thoughts as I made coffee of a wedding or should I say THE wedding that will take place in, I believe, the near future.  And, as details of Chelsea's were undisclosed and now, some being revealed, so is this one I will refer to today. I don't know yet when or how but Scripture gives us enough information to whet our appetite, to say the least. I surmise that few of us have been to or seen a million plus dollars wedding event but any festive occasion of this sort regardless of their celebrity status or the deep pockets of their parents  pales in comparison to the one I reference today. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"A Soft Pillow For A Tired Heart"

Have you missed me for a few days? That's what I thought, probably not. At any rate, I am back again from what I term "The Valley of Lyme", a much visited place for me the last ten years. The warning signs were there last week as the flu-like body aches and migraines and "foggy" head syndrome began to capture my attention. It's hard to explain and not even my intention to do so although I find some comfort online at the testimonies of other "Lymies" who know exactly what I'm trying to say.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Some Things We Must Tell The Children"

Yesterday, I enjoyed one of my favorite things, spending time with my grandchildren. Alicia, who just turned ten, is delighting these days in hearing her MaMa tell stories from her past. They range anywhere from serious ones like Grandanny's deep-sea adventure- he finding the captain when the storm was fierce (faith-building, teachable moment)- to "roll on the floor" ones like her 10 year old MaMa kicking a teasing boy named Max and missing her intended target and hitting the chair and breaking her little toe. The picture of her grandmother wearing flip-flops to school  in the winter thoroughly amused Alicia.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Subtle Serpent

Yesterday afternoon, I saw my son, Mark, drive up and around to the shop and not knowing how long he would be here, I slid on my shoes (both a match, Jeff- read his blog today), and headed in that direction to give him a hug. When I opened the basement door, there were two dreaded lizards (they give me the "willys"?) and I must give them the "willys(?)" too because they always scoot, much too my delight, at an unbelievable pace in the opposite direction from me. But, on this particular day, they are staring toward the corner where the grill stands and they seem to be glued to the concrete. I think to myself why are they not scurrying away? Are they hungry and waiting to see if steaks or hotdogs are about to sizzle on the grill? And then I see the reason why they are stationary- they know they are about to be the meal because in the corner of the patio, lies a coiled up SNAKE!!!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Giants or GOD?

 Another O.T. favorite name of God of mine is Jehovah Sabaoth, LORD of Hosts or LORD of armies. Several times, I have mentioned the Scriptural fact that we are soldiers called to stand fast against spiritual hosts of enemies and wickedness. Ephesians 6 is clear that the rulers of darkness have their hosts, their armies on an all-out assault against God and everything that is good. Now, that sounds like bad news and would make us quake if we also didn't know that we serve Jehovah Sabaoth, the LORD of armies Who fights and actually, already has achieved our victory. We, alone, are no match for satan and his assaults but shout Hallelujah... go ahead, I am waiting.......     that he is no match for Jehovah Sabaoth!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


    Every year since moving to Dawsonville in 2001, we have celebrated our grandchildren's birthdays at the "farm", as they call it. I once remarked to someone that if four acres and a beagle named JoJo constitutes a farm, then we have one. And lest I forget Dan's hard work and God's blessing on it, we have a garden with yummy vegetables.  We have a joint party during the first week of July, Landon's birthday being toward the end of June, and Alicia's being the first week of July. We invite family and friends and have thoroughly enjoyed the festivities but this year, because of low energy and the kids' stating their desires of ChuckECheese for the little one and a friend sleepover for our growing up girl, I, happily, and Grandanny, reluctantly, decided not to do the normal July get-together.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Cast Down Soul

For the last week, I have been reading and meditating on two of my favorite Psalms, two that John MacArthur remarks were probably originally one, and those being chapters 42 and 43. In my Bible, they are entitled Longing for God and Hoping In God.  I suggest that we believers love the Psalms because we so relate, don't we? In this specific one that I have read time and time again, I realize that as the writer is honest and human, so can I be and so am I.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Suffering For Christ

1 Peter 2:19-21 says "For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but, if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps."   Recently, I heard someone say that they had inquired of a pastor what his heart was being prepared to speak to God's people...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

update from an intrusive son in law

Hello to all of Deborah's faithful readers.  I just wanted to update all of you to let you know Deborah is experiencing computer problems and hasn't been able to write lately.  I'll probably make a road trip up to Dawsonville soon and get her taken care of.  Keep checking in! - Jeff

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thoughts On Father's Day

On Father's Day, June 20th, 1999, my four brothers and two sisters and our families traveled in a funeral procession to a cemetery (a resting place) over on Winter's Chapel Road and planted the body of our beloved Daddy right next to our Mother who had gone ahead of him almost 14 years earlier.  On Friday, the 18th, we received the call from the extended care facility informing us that we should come there as soon as possible and I knew and was relieved that Daddy was out of his suffering but I didn't realize that as I saw that hearse from Bill Head Funeral Home back-up to that door that I would cry as I had not cried in almost fourteen years. In a way, I felt like an orphan.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Amazing Grace!

Much of my thoughts this week have been centered on this word that appears numerous times in Scripture, one of our favorites being Eph.2:7-9 "That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Change me, Lord!

As I sat in my little schoolroom, Shiloh, this morning, imagining that Christ Jesus was sitting in the red chair behind the Teacher's desk, (yes, I know that I am pretty simple, actually a little booklet, My Heart, Christ's Home taught me to do that), I spoke with Him about many issues and many people- legitimate concerns for many souls who I know and love. I know loved ones who don't know Him as their Savior and Lord, (Rom. 10:9-10), others who aren't "in-tune" with the closeness of the day approaching (Rom. 13:11)...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ordinary Days??

On Monday night, Danny and I watched a Hallmark movie,(highly recommended,might I add?) entitled Magic In Ordinary Days and I knew as I watched that the subject of this next blog would be centered around that title and message that the young lady, Olivia, learned during the course of that movie.  My heart was challenged and I pray that yours will be too as we mull over the question- are there really any ordinary days or are we just missing the highlights of every day because we have bought into the "mundane Mondays" theory? If "this is the day which the LORD hath made..." can any day really be ordinary?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I remember so well the prayer that we prayed as children, probably, too mechanical at times, but still the simple words are theologically sound:  God is great and God is good, let us thank Him for our food,(1 Tim 4:4, 1 Thess. 5:18), By His hands we must be fed (Luke 12:24, James 1:17), give us, Lord, our daily bread (Matt. 6:11).  Although it may be a simple prayer, I want to focus on the first line and try to explain why that is a profound truth, one that encourages and comforts my heart as...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Don't you love the way that those two words roll off your tongue? Not only do I love to share good books that I have read but another love of mine is good and worshipful music. I have a new cd by Shannon Wexelberg entitled I Have a Song and on that cd is a song called JEHOVAH-SHALOM. Let me give you one of the verses- "In the darkness Your presence wraps around me like a blanket of rest that covers me. When my heart is overwhelmed You're my Comfort and my Help , You are with me!"...

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Most Influential Lady I Have Ever Known

I picked up a magazine recently and noted the cover story- The Most Influential Women, names like Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, etc...... gracing the cover. Immediately, I thought of the idea of writing this week, leading up to Mother's Day, of my Mother, the most influential lady I have ever know...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Deborah's Book Club

Well, I thought that if TV personalities can have one (and some of their authors will "mess you up" on theology), that I can pass along some of my favorites (that will only help clear your thinking because they are Biblical.)  I have always been an avid reader, even as a little girl, I remember asking for the entire set of Nancy Drew mystery books. Remember those? Probably not, unless you are my age...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

And That's The Truth!

A few weeks after Christmas, Landon asked his Mother if they could take Alicia's new telescope and look for God. Amy, of course, explained that they couldn't find God by looking up into the sky through the lens of a telescope. ( Don't you love the observations and questions and the faith of wee ones? I know that I do!)

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Beauty of Spring!

On Saturday, I cleaned out the cold ashes from the fireplace, an April ritual that reinforces the idea that there will be no need for the fireplace until winter sets in again. (Although it was 39 degrees in Dawsonville this morning.) If you read my blogs or know me, I don't have to tell you that I just said "good-bye" to my favorite season of the year. And, yes, I have been reminded that there are few kindred spirits who feel that way. I think that in my 57 plus years, I can count on one hand those who agree with me. Oh, well, I think I have always been in the minority. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


A couple of Sundays ago, I had a chance before church to chat for a few minutes with Jill Stephens, Meadow's sweet and very talented pianist. I inquired about her aging parents and she told me that although their health is "not that great", that they are troopers who just keep on "keepin'on" for their Lord. I replied that they are an encouragement to all of us because they are finishing well. Today, interestingly enough, I see that they are celebrating 53 years of marriage so congratulations to Randall and Mary Jean Stephens!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Emmaus Road Bewilderment and Enlightenment

Last week, I was reading all four Gospel accounts of our Lord's crucifixion and resurrection. We were so blessed on Easter Sunday to be with our children and grandchildren at Meadow and hear Jeff, our preacher boy, preach from Matt 28- HE IS RISEN!!...

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Behold the Lamb of God"

This morning, as I washed my breakfast dishes, I heard on the radio Larnell Harris sing "He Loved Me With A Cross" and wept as I have many times before when I meditate on and contemplate the love on that old rugged cross that day for me and you and people like us. Why would Jesus Christ go there and become obedient to death, even death on a cross, for us? "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:10. Only love, divine love, can explain God's redemption plan for a world of disobedient, depraved, and doomed sinners, the dilemma we all found ourselves to be a part of.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Yesterday, I wrote about comforting words and I used six phrases that we all love to hear and need to say. Last night when I went to bed, I wished I had used seven. I like that number and think that God does too...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Caring and Comforting Words

      I was reading a multitude of verses in Proverbs this morning as I prepared to end this theme of our speech. Scripture is clear on the importance of our words- read James 3. The Book of Proverbs is filled with verses- I challenge you to get a concordance and look up the verses that have to do with our speech. Many have to do with the negative aspect, things such as lying, boasting, gossiping, spreading discord and others. Our OWNER'S MANUAL has much to say about the little member that can set things on fire, according to James 3 or can bring health and comfort to the hearer.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Criticizing Words

      In the last two blogs, we have looked at the importance that the Word of God places upon our words- a negative aspect in callous and cruel speech- crude speed, the Bible calls this a perverse mouth and I am still offended, Church, at how indifferent we have become at vile language. I find it almost impossible to watch a good movie because Hollywood thinks they can't sell one unless "gutter mouth" language is strewn all through it. I am told this "Deb, that's the real world, everyone talks that way." I beg your pardon, everyone doesn't talk that way. I don't; I go to lunch with family and friends and they don't talk that way. And I do remember the day that even if there was one nearby who said foul things, he would control it if a lady came into the room. Now, the ladies (females, I should say ) find it acceptable to talk the same crude way.
       Again, I know the world does and speaks consistently with who they are. But my blogs go out to Christians who need to be reminded   that our words are to be wholesome. As we mature in our faith, we are to be more like our Master and this was said of Him by those who were around Him as He walked this earth. "And all bare witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceedeth out of His mouth..." Luke 4:22. One might say- "oh, to have heard Him speak!"  You can, dear believer, open the Scriptures. Do you remember the love letters that came for you when your future spouse was away and wrote to you? Do you recall that you couldn't wait from the mailbox to the house before you opened it? You hold in your hands God's love letter to you!
      Last time, we covered a positive way we can speak- with courage, concerning our great God and His love for us demonstrated on the cross, the Righteous (Jesus Christ) dying for the unrighteous.(you and me). We can and must speak up for right and against wrong. Two verses in Prov. 24:11-12  "If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? And He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? And shall not He render to every man according to his works?" We cannot hide our heads in the sand and plead ignorance when it comes to standing, especially for those who have no voice, and understand, Believer, it will become increasingly unpopular to speak out concerning the evils of our day but speak, we must!
        Many times I close my personal prayer time with a Scripture that you are familiar with. (God loves it when we pray Scripture back to Him- like for the peace of Jerusalem- Ps. 122:6- and we had better pray also that America remains her strongest ally-Gen. 12:2-3). I hope I don't lose you when I run the rabbit trails- so much to say- so little time to say it!  I close many times with this prayer from Ps. 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Strength, and my Redeemer."
       Are the words of our mouths acceptable to you, Lord? I submit that they are not when the rule for us is criticism constantly from our lips. Have you ever been around those who criticize everything? I remember the story I heard long ago of the husband who could never say anything pleasant to his wife of many years. One morning, she prepared him two eggs for breakfast, per his request, one scrambled and one over medium. When she placed them before him on the table, he looked down at his plate and said "Woman, you scrambled the wrong egg!" The temptation would have been to place them on top of his ungrateful head. The better question to" do I know someone like that" is" am I like that?" Have I fallen into that pattern? I believe that bitterness breeds that into our hearts and lives. Also, apathy and non-involvement in the things of God lead  to criticizing those who are busy. We criticize often to make ourselves feel better. Usually, church members who are serving diligently find they have no time to criticize others. And, let me be bold and a friend to pastors here and say that at times, parishioners can be so nit-picky in their criticism of what is going on in the church. Can I share with you something I have never understood? The complainers about the temperature of the sanctuary- you know- the super important issue facing God's kingdom today?
       I never could understand that issue because I did understand this one. I taught a beloved S.S. class for many years and we had older women who tended to be colder, middle-aged women who were never cold (you know, those who fan in the choir loft in January?) And the younger who had gotten 3 small children ready for S.S. at 9:30 so they were oblivious to the temp - they were just glad to be there. Now, multiply those 30 women x ever how large your congregation is and explain to me how you will please everyone. And shame on us if we go criticize to our Pastor who has prayed and prepared all week to bring us something good from God's Word and now he is frustrated over not getting from S.S, to the pulpit without some nonsensical issue. You think I am kidding, right? Not if you have been a member of a church, you don't. For that silly illustration, I always responded "Bring a light sweater, "(it's what I do at Longhorn, it's always too cool to enjoy my lunch but I never have thought about telling management to turn the a/c off because the other 100 customers seem to be ok) or if you are 45-50 and we women know what that means, "Go by the local funeral home on the way and see if they still hand out those fans with an overgrown popsicle  stick with a picture of Jesus holding a sheep on the front. You who went to revival days in hot July and August with me know exactly what I am talking about. Back when there was no air conditioning. We just opened the windows - some even sat in them- and we were just blessed that none ever fell out. Souls were saved- that was all-important!!!
     Do we go to worship because "it's all about HIM"? Or do we go to criticize because , after all, "it's all about me and my comfort and my preferences and my parking "spot"? Do you know that I heard a true story one time of a couple who visited a church for the first time and were asked to move by a "life-long" member when she came up from Sunday School because "I have always sat here"?  I was glad the removed couple were saved people because the lifelong member had no clue if they were on their way to Heaven or Hell. She just knew where she needed to sit,  that's all.
      Parents, do you criticize too much and leave little room for commendation for those little ones in your home? I know that there is constructive criticism that we must employ at times and our spiritual maturity shows at how we receive that. Prov. 9:8-9 "Rebuke not a scorner, lest he hate thee. Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser; teach a just man, and he will increase in learning."  There is a time for confrontation and constructive criticism but I fear many little children have given up because all they hear is "You are so bad. Why can't you be like your sister? You will never amount to anything in this world"  Oh, here are two that , I think, would apply in this culture. "Honey, if your friends are buying size 2 jeans, maybe we should get to working out." Mothers, is it any wonder that our teens are anorexic and bulimic today, as we let them follow Hollywood's criteria for worthiness? Young ladies, being healthy is good- eating right and exercising are commendable but comparing and obsessing over your physical appearance is not. Do you know what I respect and appreciate in the teen girl? Well, really, you could make a case that my opinion here isn't really important so better question- are you interested in what God, your Maker, your DNA giver, says is precious? Read 1 Peter 3:4.  The old song asked the question "How about your HEART , is it right with God?"  Dads, do your sons only hear about it when they miss the ground ball that would have resulted in the double play or do they hear "You played your best, that single you hit was right on"?  Parents, God's plan may not include the major leagues but rather a pastor or a missionary. Encourage them to be who God has made them to be.
    Well, my blogs are turning into books, aren't they? But before I close, let me talk to spouses, probably my readers being mostly women. Does your husband long for some words of affirmation from you? You know, experts say it is one of the greatest needs of a man, to be told that he is worthy? Has he heard criticism so long from you that he would probably have a coronary attack if you spoke to him today words that you spoke when you were dating him? Two interesting verses in Prov. 21. Verse 9 says"It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop , than with a brawling woman in a wide house."  Verse 19 "It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and an angry woman."  Another in 27:15 "A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike."  DRIP DRIP DRIP!  I hear that it is a form of torture. Is it any wonder that they had rather stay at work or go by the gym on the way home because they know when they open the door, here it goes
     Now, lest you husbands feel left out, it can apply to you also. Does the waitress hear more words of endearment in the hour at the restaurant than your wife of many years, maybe grayer and tireder now, hear in a week's time in your home? Have you told her lately that she is still the prettiest lady in the world to you? She likes hearing that.Little girls grow up longing to be someone's princess, little boys envision being the knight in shining armor. I love seeing couples, some now married 50 and 60 years, who still love, respect, and compliment each other. And for those who never married or now are not because God took him or her to Heaven, God is our Rescuer, our Wooer, our Lover of our soul Who encourages us with the gracious words we long to hear- "You are precious to Me, My Bride!"
     This lesson on criticism went longer than I thought and I close with this question, firstly asked to myself, "When people walk away from me, after being in my presence for awhile, are they refreshed or wearied?" Was it time well spent for someone who maybe is struggling and needed a "word spoken in due season?" Pr.15:23   Thanks for reading, hope I can help!
      Looking up, Deborah
      Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."    20:15 "There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel." 12:25 "Heaviness in the heart of a man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Courageous Words

One day, recently, on the playground, Landon said to a "little competitor" these words-"Hey, my sister plays basketball and I'm GONNA take karate!!"  Sounds rather menacing, right? Well, it must have been to his nemesis on that particular day, because he went away. Grandanny and I had a good laugh as we have many times over the years at the funny and unpredictable words that came forth from Mark and Amy and now, our grandchildren. When they are between the ages of 2-4, it just doesn't get any better. We admired Landon's courage even   though the reasoning wasn't very good.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Caustic, Cheap, Cruel Words

In my previous blog, I spoke of how powerful that words can be and that, at times, we just need to be quiet. In 1 Thess. 4:11, Paul exhorts us to "study to be quiet, and to do your own business..."  It is interesting , to me, that he uses the word "study." I study for things, the test, that I haven't "aced" yet and truly, people need to learn and work at controlling that little member, as James 3 describes the tongue. He says this in verse 2-"If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able to bridle the whole body." I believe that a mark of a spiritually maturing believer, man or woman, is they are able to control their tongue. John MacArthur said this concerning James 3. "Human speech is a graphic representation of human depravity."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Why I Write

A few minutes before church yesterday morning, I had an opportunity to speak with our pastor and the subject of my blogging came up and I confessed to him that I struggle with it somewhat because it is so different from teaching in the fact that in one-on-one communicating, you have the privilege of verbal tone, body language, and raised hands if there are questions. I had a dear friend once who told me she loved the balance in all my lessons which I thought was very important. Just in my previous blog, where I was explaining that even men cry, if I had been teaching I would have shown too, as Pastor's message did yesterday, that we want our men to be men. We don't want them falling apart every time a challenge arises. We admire their strength. God made men and women differently and the world wants to cloud the issue of their roles but the Bible is clear in defining them.

Friday, March 12, 2010

What Makes You Cry?

I  rode with Amy yesterday to pick-up Landon from school, one of my favorite things to do. I have told her before that I am "not in" for the dropping off but to see that pretty little face peeking out from under the rain protecting hoodie (with a shy grin because he saw MaMa in the car) just made my day!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Already There!

Yesterday was March 2nd, 2010 and we enjoyed a late winter snow, probably about the prettiest I have seen in awhile. It snowed all day, I mean, big flakes and Dan estimates that we probably had about four inches of the beautiful, glistening snow before it was finally done. We drank coffee, I sat under my "snuggyl" (as Landon calls it), we took some pictures, put chili in the crock pot, and made some more memories. Thank You, Lord!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Hardest Working Man I Know

For the last couple of weeks, our Pastor has preached on the Biblical roles of men and women. Yesterday morning, his focus was on the roles of the man, citing three areas of leading, working,(providing), and keeping (protecting). His text was from Genesis 1 and 2, the Biblical mandate, the God-given role for men.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Part Two-Coming Soon

When, last we spoke, I compared this life, this earthly pilgrimage, to the first part of a story, a story that, at times, is hard to understand. We believe Romans 8:28 yet wonder how God is using the testings, the trials, and yes, even the triumphs to weave the tapestry of our lives. The illustration of a tapestry was presented to me at an early age and still today, I am blessed by this thought. If you look at a tapestry from the backside, all you see are multicolored threads tied here and there, some short, some longer, all knotted together and you wouldn't hang it on your wall for viewing, but if you flip it over , you will see a picture and from Heaven's perspective, that is our life, a beautiful masterpiece, His workmanship.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stay Tuned For Part Two

One of my favorite TV series , maybe my very favorite, is Little House on the Prairie. I am so thankful for reruns because "they just don't make them like they used to." Today, you might have to usher your wee ones out of the room because the new dramas think they can't be successful without violence, language, and sensuality and the comedies (if you can call them that), are filled with crude, rude,and sarcastic remarks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Keepin' An Eye On Us"

Last week, my sweet Alicia was battling headaches that were cutting into half her school days and on Friday, whatever the "bug" was, it won and she was in bed with high fever and feeling really bad. On Sunday afternoon, Amy noticed a lack of appetite and energy in Landon.(Those don't occur often in that boy!) :)  She knew that he, also, was succumbing to the illness that had plagued his sister all week. As he lay on the couch, wrapped in his favorite blanket, he remarked to her- "I wish Daddy could come home and keep an eye on me."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All We Like Sheep

Scripture uses many analogies to describe our relationship with our God- He, the heavenly Father, we, His beloved children, our Savior as the Bridegroom, we , the church, His bride- our Commander in Chief, we, His soldiers in the army of God......   but one of my favorite would have to be the tender picture of the Shepherd and His sheep.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My son, Mark, was at the house one day last week and asked, "Mom, don't you think it's time to take down the Christmas stockings?"   "Just give me time, Son."   Actually, I enjoy the decorations as much in January as I do in December, maybe more so because the "hustle bustle" is over and I can sit with my Cafe Verona coffee and enjoy the moment. At any rate, the house is back to normal other than the boxed treasures needing to go into the attic. (ATTN: Danny and Mark.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This morning at 4:30 , I discovered that sleep would not be refound and that is even early for me. (Jeff, if you read this, you're probably thinking "That's my norm, MaMa!" Thank you for meeting early with your COMMANDER in CHIEF concerning your family (my precious ones) and the flock that God has placed under your leadership.)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Jelly Jar On My Kitchen Counter

In my 1st blog, I mentioned the need for me and probably you to consider that refocusing our eyes on the goal is a worthy resolution for 2010. In this busy, easily distracted world we live in today, it is very easy for God's children to lose sight of what is important and what is not. My pastor reminds us often that, as we make choices and live our lives, the priority for the believer is having an eternal perspective, viewing life , as much as we can, through God's eyes...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deep Sea Trials

This morning, while meditating on Mark 4:35-41, I felt I should share what God was saying to me concerning trials and my response to them. No one gets through this life without them. Just for the last few days, I have been praying for some friends who now live in West Virginia, who are facing the biggest, most foreboding one that they have faced, up to this time...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have sang and believed this familiar song (some think it is for children and I say "yes, it is for all God's children) since I was a little girl but I don't know if I have ever sensed this astounding truth anymore than I did this past Sunday morning during our Pastor's message.