Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This morning at 4:30 , I discovered that sleep would not be refound and that is even early for me. (Jeff, if you read this, you're probably thinking "That's my norm, MaMa!" Thank you for meeting early with your COMMANDER in CHIEF concerning your family (my precious ones) and the flock that God has placed under your leadership.)
So, as I lay in my bed, I remembered another faithful pastor who prepared and preached a message on Sunday while he battled a (what he called) a low-grade fever but his eyes said high fever to me. Interestingly enough, he preached from Daniel 10:10-21 concerning spiritual warfare and reminded the congregation of the battle being waged in the heavenlies that would astound us if we could see it. Eph. 6:12 . 

I'll be brief this morning and say simply, that I took the time from 4:30- 6:00 to use an offensive weapon that God has given us yet too often, we fail to appropriate it. Eph. 6:18- "PRAYING  always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."  1 Thess. 5:17 -"PRAY without ceasing."  In Luke 11:1-2, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray and He prefaced the pattern with these words- "When you PRAY..."   Not if you pray, but when you pray. Jesus, Himself, prayed as He walked this planet Earth, and He is GOD! Would you think that we, fallible, sinful human beings, need to pray?              

Something is wrong if we see prayer as burdensome and boring. Yes, I realize, it can be hard at times because of the warfare to keep you from doing it. Your enemy fears a saint on their knees.  We can be busy in our flesh today doing what we think is important and he doesn't fight that too much, knowing without God's hand, we won't accomplish much for eternity's sake but he flinches hard at "Help me, LORD!"   So, we not should  view coming to the throne room of Heaven as burdensome or boring, but beckoning. This was my thought, early before the sun was up this a.m., that I can have no audience today with any "renown leader." At times, I joke when I leave for a quick trip to the grocery store, "Danny, take a message if the White House calls while I am out."  No, I couldn't get in there today (unless the party crashers told us how they did it. :) . I might could go to England today (if I wanted to fly and I don't), but I can guarantee you that the queen would not be preparing tea for me. BUT, here is what thrills my soul. I met a few hours ago with the CREATOR  of the universe, the KING of all kings, my HEAVENLY FATHER, the LOVER of my soul!! I didn't need an appointment, I didn't need to be a famous "somebody"- actually, He delights to hear from those who know they were "nobodies" until, through faith in Him and His finished work, He made us "somebodies."  We are His children, dear brother and sister, and as we parents love to meet our "wee-ones'" needs today because we can and they can't, He is waiting to hear from us today. He loves His children, He listens to His children. Run to Him, today, in prayer. He already knows what this day holds for you- you don't. I rejoice this morning, that He is Almighty God , He is the great I Am. He is and has all I need today. I am thankful that He waits on us today to "cast all our care on Him, for He cares for you and me!"       

 Looking up, Deborah ... I prayed for all you who will read this today.


  1. WOW...great post Deb!!! Thank God we can cast all our care on Him, for He DOES care for us!!

  2. Thank you, Deborah. I needed to be reminded of what a beautiful privilege prayer is. Prayer brings comfort, strength, wisdom, an offensive weapon, change in the lives of others- you would think our family would have to pull us off our knees to do something around the house- if only that could ever be true of me.
    Amanda K

  3. Thank you Deborah - This is such a blessing tonight and a powerful reminder for us all!
    Love, Kimmerz
