Saturday, November 20, 2010

Praying for the Perplexed!

Today, I have attempted to do many things- house things, retrieving my Christmas cds out of the closet, etc. and my mind and heart keep drawing me to His Word and this computer because my thoughts, today, are on people who are questioning the paths that God has chosen for them. And we have all been there, haven't we, to some degree or another?  I am reading Joni's new book entitled A Place of Healing; Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty. At the beginning of one of the chapters, John Stott is quoted saying this: "The fact of suffering, undoubtedly, constitutes the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith, and has been in every generation."
In her latest book, Joni relates that the wheelchair has become her normal for the last 40-plus years. It has been so long since she walked that she doesn't concern herself with it but knows she is closer to the day when she will be completely healed, when God calls her Home. There have been some along the way who have questioned her faith, to her face, because they "just know that God wants to heal you, Joni." Could you imagine saying that to this dear saint of God who has so faithfully persevered through enormous disappointment and now has been introduced to a new pain which confines her to bed for long periods of time. Since the book has been written, she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I wonder if those who just know what God wants to do would be crying out "How long, O God?" were they in this  challenging predicament?  In the midst of this searing agony, Joni decided to write a new book to help us, the reader, to understand how you can find a place of healing even in the midst of the relentless, never-go-away trial. Now, that blesses and encourages this lady and I hope I can help some of you today.

I write to some, today, who are in a long season of perplexity and quite frankly, you are not looking forward to the Christmas season- you are just barely getting through the day. You feel you have prayed right, taken the appropriate actions and God's silence is deafening. I know that is true because I and all believers, if they have lived very long, have experienced this heart-rending season.  I find myself in 2 Cor. 12 at these times and read that Paul prayed three times that the thorn would be removed but God did not answer that prayer but reminded Paul and reminds us of His power. I am so comforted, dear one, that our God is able. Nothing nor no one can stay His hand while He works! And He is working whether we detect it or not. He can calm the storm and I believe the greater miracle is that He can calm us in the storm. Joni exclaims that she has found her place of healing not in spite of the wheelchair but because of the wheelchair. "My power," God tells Paul, " is made perfect in weakness."  I remind myself, when I am struggling, of His power and His provision. "My grace is sufficient for you," God encourages His apostle and us. I love this verse of Amazing Grace- "Thru many dangers, toils, and snares, we have already come. Tis grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us Home." I remember His power, His provision, and am comforted more and more as I grow and know Him better by His providence. I find myself reading many times the verse in Ps. 115 which says:" But our God is in the heavens, He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased."  Now, the natural man might mock or maybe tremble at that truth but learning to rest in that Scripture brings tremendous peace and trust to our hearts who know Him. He is good and He is gracious and He is merciful and He is committed to His glory and His children's good. Paul's three prayers bring to mind Another Who prayed three times but said "Not My will, but Thine be done," knowing the cross loomed ahead in the distance. Yes, we can rest in One Who loved us so much that He laid down His life for us.

Christian Friend, the providential plan that He chose for you and for me will all make sense one day and in the meantime, we can rest "as the power of Christ rests on us." I pray for you who walk through the valleys today of which I have yet to travel. Just on Thursday, I spoke with a dear lady who has had kidney cancer and she shared how she ministers to others in the same way that the Body reached out to her during her battle. She was such a blessing to my life last week.  My friends, Brian and Jennifer in West Virginia, are being such an encouragement to many, I being one, as they valiantly fight the same disease. I pray daily for them and know that God will give them comfort and direction as they look to Him.  For a couple of weeks, I have prayed for a family here in our county who lost their 3-yr. old baby girl in a car crash. I am sure they are asking questions and desperately hoping that they can sleep through the Christmas season. 

I don't have answers for all of life's perplexities but I want others to know that your brothers and sisters in Christ are lifting up you and your needs to the One Who does fully understand- He, actually, designed the plan and purpose of my life and your life and we can say with Job: "Behold, I go forward, but He is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive Him; On the left hand, where He doth work, but I cannot behold Him: He hideth Himself on the right hand, that I cannot see Him; BUT HE KNOWETH THE WAY THAT I TAKE ; WHEN HE HATH TRIED ME, I SHALL COME FORTH AS GOLD." 23:8-10

Praying for you today!  Deborah

1 comment:

  1. Deborah, you are always a light in this dark world and a cool breeze when the heat is relentless. Thank you for loving God with all your heart. I pray you write a book and share your wisdom with the all the lost and hurting and imprisoned with sin. Love, Jen
