Friday, December 3, 2010

"Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne"

So far, we have looked at two Christmas songs which in essence are the prayers of the people- crying out for the long expected Jesus to come- our same cry today!  Imagine, with me, the scene on earth before He came the first time- the weary and oppressed people awaiting and we know, that some were eagerly anticipating His arrival. We see two of them in Luke 2, two elderly people, one named Simeon, "a just and devout man, waiting for the Consolation of Israel." Anna was another who served God in the temple "with prayers and fastings night and day and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem."

 Now, that was the scene on earth but far away in another galaxy, :)   One is about to step away from His heavenly throne and  thus the title of the song for today from a lady named Emily E.S. Elliot who taught children about Jesus in  the  1800's. The message in the song, though, is like the one in Jesus Loves Me, This I know- all of God's children, young and old, are blessed by the words.  " Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown when Thou camest to earth for me."  This thought is so unsearchable that I hope I can come close to doing justice to it today.  The Christmas story message is that a king, no, not a king, but the KING stepped out of that realm, one where He had been with the Father for eternity-John1:1-2, where He had shared in the Father's glory since before the world began- John17:5 , but looked upon a sin-sick , desperate, hopeless world and willingly left a celestial place where the angels cried Holy, Holy, Holy and came to wrap Himself in flesh and dwell among a people who would hate Him, mock Him, misunderstand His purpose, and eventually crucify Him.  I have always wondered if angels cry because surely they would have cried that day when He left.

Yes, from a heavenly throne to a virgin's womb to a manger of wood and later to another wooden object- a cross. He made the tree from which it was constructed. He created the water yet He thirsted and Saints, He, according to Phil 2, didn't grasp nor clutch tightly His position but humbled Himself and became obedient- even to death on  the cross. Sometimes, we quit what we are doing and simply worship because it is the only response to such a giving of Himself for us. We are the reason that He came and died!  There is a frenzy right now about the wedding about to take place in England. Our country, almost bankrupt and blinded to our impending plight, scurried our reporters on planes so they could be there, firsthand, to report the announcement of the date of the nuptials. Quite frankly, I don't understand the fascination. The future king and his intended probably would not give the people, "the commoners", the time of day. I mean, you haven't received the gold-embossed invitation yet, have you?  There is, however, one Royalty to commoner,sinners act that still enthralls my heart , that being that the KING left a throne for a manger, took off Kingly garments and was wrapped in swaddling clothes, He swapped adoration for humiliation and He became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Now, that still amazes me! That, Christian brother and sister, captures my attention and my heart.

Ponder, dear one, this thought on this December 3rd, 2010, that the KING left His throne for you and me. He vacated the Kingdom and became a citizen here for a short 33 years so we could be a citizen here for a short time but really are by grace through faith in His finished work on our behalf, already a citizen of His heavenly Kingdom. Our Pastor preached last week from the last two verses in Phil. 3 on how citizens who have pledged allegiance to another Kingdom are to conduct their lives. I have feasted on the message this week.  Yes, Col. 1:13 tells us that "Who (GOD) hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son." We are to be freed from an inordinate affection for earthly things and we are not to look to Washington DC to fix our problems but we, as those looking for His first coming, are looking for our KING to leave once again and take us back Home with Him where we will forever be. He is our blessed Hope!

I saw a billboard on TV last night that the atheists love to erect in the month of December- that explains to us that they celebrate reason "because we know", they say, "that the manger scene is a myth."  NO, NO, it isn't a myth, rather- it is MARVELOUS!  Thank You, Lord, for leaving Your throne for me. Thank You, that as You heard the peoples' cries the first time, Your ear is attentive to the righteous today and in Your perfect timing, You will come again and it will be different this time. We eagerly anticipate and welcome Your return. We love You and long to be with You and behold Your glory!  Thank You, Lord, that we can. Such a gracious, merciful, and forgiving GOD we serve!  HALLELUJAH!!  

    "When the heavens shall ring and the angels sing at Thy coming to victory, let Thy voice call me Home saying "Yet, there is room-there is room at My side for thee:" My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus, when Thou comest and callest for me!"

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