Monday, September 13, 2010

How's Your Diet?

Seeing a new doctor recently who may hold some promise concerning Lyme, he emphatically and boldly (how dare he?) inquired -"So tell me about your diet." I was so glad to tell him that I have whole wheat blueberry pancakes most mornings for breakfast while holding my breath that he wasn't going to insist that I give up my Cafe Verona coffee. He did not so I will go back.  :) Most doctors usually are interested in what we are putting into our mouths on a regular basis. We don't like the inquisition but they know that that fact is very important and very much relative to how our bodies are serving us. In a recent blog, I commented that I stopped on the square a few Saturday mornings ago and helped the high school out with buying a box of their Krispy Kreme doughnuts but I don't think that I told you that when I got home, I took out one, yes, you heard right, just one, and ate it v-- e-- r-- y--- slowly with my coffee. Hot KK's and hot coffee, now that is living. I froze the others although I know I could have eaten six but I have learned that sugar is not my friend. Being I have too many "not well" days anyway, I am working hard on eliminating the foods that exacerbate the problem.

Now, these foods taste good but they are not good for me which brings me to my thought prompted by a quote that I read from a new book I am currently reading called Living On The Edge   r12 by Chip Ingram. "The most succinct explanation of why most Christians live lives of duplicity and inconsistency is primarily found in their spiritual diet."  The book's theme is taken from the twelfth chapter of Romans, a picture of authentic Christianity being lived out in our relationships, with God, with the world, with ourselves (thinking soberly about who we are), with other believers, and finally with unbelievers.  Verse two captured my attention today- "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

So, as the question was posed to me by Dr. Parry, let us ask ourselves "What are we feeding our minds and our souls?" The world, our flesh, and the old enemy, the devil, are adamant and relentless on conforming us to this system's agenda and if we are not actively and aggressively combating that by the agenda of God found in His Word, we will be frustratingly losing the battle, Christians. At least, that is how it works in my life.  The Apostle Peter reminds us in his 1st Epistle, chapter 2:2-3 "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby: if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious." I contacted a grandmother via computer this morning to ask about the well-being of her new 10 lb. 6 oz. grandson. She says he is well and keeping his Mommy up most of the night because he is liking the taste of that Mommy milk and he will grow even bigger because it is good for him. Matthew Henry says "The Word of God will not leave a man like it finds him."  I love that because in those Holy Scriptures, there is transformation. It isn't simply for information but transformation. Knowledge alone just puffs up, Paul reminds us. 

I will try to be brief but there is much dearth in the American church today, I fear, because we have lost our hunger for the Word of God. We entertain ourselves all week by the TV, movies, books, computer games and all that being high tech and flashy and attention grabbing and many go to church expecting the same order- to be entertained. Now, at times, the Bible has things to say to God's people that do not taste good going down but are good for us. Have there been times in our lives when we could hardly wait to open and drink in His Words but now we are not that excited about it? I think we can all answer "yes" to that question as we look back on the dry periods of our lives, can't we?  Appetite is a good indicator of physical health and it applies, as well, in the spiritual realm. So, let us ask ourselves, "How's our diet? With what are we filling our spiritual lives?"  I love the verse in Psalms 119:19 (the longest chapter in the Bible with almost every verse referring to His Word and its benefits) "I am a stranger in the earth, hide not Thy commandments from me." I know that if I went alone to another country today that I would have to find a guide because there would be a huge language and cultural barrier. Christians, the longer I live, the more I realize how strange this land is that we sojourn in. We will be conforming without a consistent diet of God's agenda and God's plan for our lives spelled out in Scripture. I guarantee you that the world will not be your friend in helping you find God's best for your life.

In closing, my sister, Darlene, called me last week and related the story of a dear friend of hers sharing with her daughter-in-law that she and her husband (both retired) have devotionals every morning around the breakfast table and the younger woman, a mother of young children, was very interested in a good devotional book to help her get started in the Word. Nothing thrills me more than to help those who are desirous of getting into God's Book and thereby being transformed. Yes, that is His method. "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Heb. 4:12. I like to think of the analogy that when your new appliance fails, you take out the owner's manual. He is our Potter, He fashioned us, and He wrote and preserved a Book that will tell us how to function most effectively. Here's a good thought to close: He, in that Book, speaks to us and then we can talk to the Maker and Owner in prayer and He listens!  (At Maytag or Gateway or Ford or Sony, you might get a technician but you probably wouldn't get through to the owner or CEO.)  "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace where we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Rom. 5:1-2 . Access to our Creator God through faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessed thought!!!

Looking up,
(I was having a hard time drawing these remarks to a close, wasn't I?)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Deb for always giving us Jesus! It is pretty amazing that we are allowed to commune with our "CREATOR". WOW, what an awesome God we serve!! Trusting Him today to meet every need..."every need supplied"...Dedene
