Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Pray For Us!"

Tears welled up in this grandmother's eyes this morning as Amy related this story to me. As Landon walks from the car to the front door of the schoolhouse each morning, he turns around as many times as distance allows to wave and say good-by again. "I love you, Mommy- have a good day, Mommy." but this morning, as he stood on the last step before entering the room, he turned around and said loudly enough for her to hear these words- "Pray for us!"

I could go several ways on this today but I'll try to be brief and I hope to be an encouragement to you who read today. At 6:30 this morning, I was praying for that little guy and his sister as I knew they were about to begin their day. "Oh, God, keep them from the evil one and Lord, give them hearts for You!" When I see them this week, I will assure them again that their MaMa prays for them everyday.  I heard a story, I believe, from Dr. James Dobson, after Sept. 11, 2001 where he shares that as kids returned home from school that day, they were anxious to call their grandparents- to hear a voice of reassurance that things would be okay. Isn't that an interesting observation?  I, for one, never had grandparents but I do know this- they are a tremendous influence in those little ones' lives. Do you realize that, Grandparent?  If so, are you praying for them and for what are you praying for them?

I, also, prayed for all our children- those going off to school today with heavy hearts- with increasing peer pressure- with difficult home situations. I prayed for America's children today. My heart is tender for the kids- we abort them, we abuse them, we neglect them, we ignore them and then we wonder why they are so "messed-up."  Pastors, I prayed for you today! The responsibilities are tremendous but the One you serve is Awesome in power and provision! I prayed for strength and clarity and humility and for you to constantly find yourself at His feet realizing your own inadequacy and His all-sufficiency.  I prayed for one who has had a huge impact in my life who is in India right now sharing God's Word with other men who are preaching in a hostile environment. Do you pray for missionaries in dangerous places who are obeying the Great Commission as God has sent them?

Pastors' wives and children, I prayed for you today. I know that at times, maybe you feel forgotten but know, dear Sister in Christ, some of us think of you as you share your husband and your childrens' daddy with the people in your congregation. I remember a dear pastor's wife teaching many years ago that she never wanted to let her disappointment or resentment show to her children as her husband was called again from the dinner table to the hospital or to a family in a crisis. She wanted her kids to grow up to serve too and praise the Lord, they all do today.  I prayed for the sick this morning. A message came from our friend in West Virginia yesterday and as she explained "this will be in all lower case letters because I type with one hand and hold Brian's hand with my other."  Her beloved husband, in his early forties, is at the end of the journey with this ugly disease of melanoma and they wanted me to know that a message that I sent yesterday concerning our Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous, had encouraged their hearts. The real encouragement was on this end as I realized how simple it is to be a blessing to those who hurt today.  I pray for the sick and the suffering. For parents who have buried thier children, we haven't forgotten, hurting ones. Your names were lifted up to our Heavenly Father today. One mother recently told Amy that " the holidays are hard." Her daughter has been with the Lord for over two years now and I pray for her because I know time doesn't heal that hurt but I know that God is the God of all comfort and I know there is a great day coming when we will be reunited with those who sleep in Christ! "Wherefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thess. 4:18

My list of who I pray for could go on for awhile but let me close. I prayed this morning for this country- for mercy on this country and for the peace of Jerusalem. I have never been a prophecy student but I have heard those who are say that we need to be aware of the Middle East. Have you noticed what is transpiring there today? Surely, people of God, our redemption is drawing nigh. Rom. 8:22-23- "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." Don't you hear the groaning, Saint? Aren't we groaning along with them?  Because of the times we are in, I prayed this morning for family members, friends, and friends' family members who don't know Christ. I prayed that Christ would open their eyes and draw them to Himself and they would be "delivered  from the power of darkness, and translated  into the kingdom of His dear Son in Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins."

Well, Little Landon didn't know it but he asked for the same thing as the Apostle Paul did on several occassions. In 1 Thess. 5:25, he simply asked "Brethren, pray for us."  I rejoice that my 5-yr. old grandson knows that prayer is needed and effective. Do we realize that today and if we do, we are praying. Regarding the pastor's wife who wanted to be an example to her children concerning ministry, she and her husband still serve today and I get an e-mail from their site "First We Pray!"  I love their insights and I love their title because, yes, that is what we do.

Praying for you!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Deb...I'm just now getting caught up on your blogs. thankful we had a Mom who prayed, and so thankful for my dear sister who like Mom, prays often for others!! Love you...Dedene
